我们肯定可以采用不同的策略。我发现,当我试图变得清醒,正念和当下时,我发现这适用于一切。我知道有时我会感到突然感到压力或突然感到焦虑。我必须去洗手间。而且我可以从身体上感觉开始。由于压力和溃疡性结肠炎,我觉得压力会增加。您知道,您可以感觉到它将在某个时候达到一个突破点,这有点不知所措。我们肯定可以采用不同的策略。我发现,当我试图变得清醒,正念和当下时,我发现这适用于一切。它几乎是,当我第一次阅读并听说它时,我就像,哦,这听起来有些古怪。 I don’t know, like these breathing techniques. But I found that this concept helped deal with stress. When you breathe, imagine the molecules of errors that go through your nose all the way down. And as you breathe, think about those molecules and when you exhale, breathe out those molecules and it’s, it’s, it’s a concept of being in the moment. Don’t think about what you’re gonna do next while you’re doing something. I found that, you know, being in the present, if you’re having stress, being in the present, taking deep breaths, focusing on, you know, the breath itself, some people call it meditating doing that for 20, 30 seconds can really, I think help calm your nerves. I mean, it’s, it’s not gonna solve your problems. Your problems are the root of the stress, but this helps prevent the, that stress from just piling on and it can help reduce that, that extra burden.