When you have Crohn’s, it’s like having an unwanted guest who is always at the dinner table. It can make you feel like there’s no resolution in sight—and can turn into a mind game. “Because a disease like Crohn’s is relapsing and remitting, those unknowns can cause anxiety,” says Megan E. Riehl, Psy.D., a GI psychologist and clinical program director of the GI Behavioral Health Program at the University of Michigan. Simple strategies, like these flip-the-script mental tricks, can help you put Crohn’s in its corner so you can focus on more important things, like your life.
如果你在会议的中间得到了那个时候的感觉怎么办?如果你正在寻找一个糟糕的浴室日,需要什么?想知道你的克罗恩的头脑会何时将头部混乱与你的心态 - 甚至是你的工作质量。说起来,建议Riehl。“大多数患者惊讶地发现他们在FMLA和ADA下有权利,”她说。“通过在你的工作地点谈到合适的人,如果出现问题,它可以缓解压力。”
当你有像克罗恩这样的慢性病时,很容易落在过度思考的兔子洞里 - 并且比好的伤害更多。“I’ve seen patients have burnout from their diet and medication regimes, because their whole life is surrounded by what to eat and when to take their meds,” says Niket Sonpal, M.D., a gastroenterologist and assistant medical professor at Touro College in New York City. “It’s important to give yourself permission to do this or eat that once in a while.”
Get Support
治疗师是您团队的重要组成部分,朋友和家庭意味着良好。但是,与一直在那里的人的交易故事也是更有意义的。随着近年来克罗恩的意识提高,有更多的选择比以往任何时候都更多连接其他时间。“There didn’t used to be as much advocacy, but now there are so many avenues for people to connect to others who have Crohn’s and colitis, and it’s important to do,” says Riehl.
Channel Your Inner Boy Scout
像克罗恩这样的条件的最大压力座之一是“如果是怎么办?”方面。通过用“if /然后”声明回答自己的担忧来击败可能的场景的脑流失。“有一个计划,以便如果你在公共场合有事故或症状,那么你的急救套件随着可能让你感到舒服的任何东西,”Riehl说。“知道你以小的方式控制它可以舒缓对未知的焦虑。”
克罗恩可以把扳手扔进浪漫的计划。但是你如何在没有冒险进入TMI领土的情况下剥夺这种非性感话题?说实话 - 你可能会惊讶于此,索普尔博士说,他叙述了一个努力与张纸之间的问题斗争。“他遇到了令人困难,因为他感到沉重和臃肿,”他说。“我鼓励他与他的伴侣交谈,他非常了解。他们能够在它周围工作,因为他有勇气诚实。“
It’s easy to feel like Crohn’s runs your life when you have to cancel plans one too many times. But think on the bright side: Having a chronic condition can help you ID who is on your shortlist. True pals help you through go with the flow and roll with the changes that Crohn’s brings, and don’t give you a guilt trip. “People who are worth your time, energy, and love will have compassion for the steps and changes you need to take,” says Riehl.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
所以,事实证明,你是人类。像其他of us. And while there are lots of ways you can keep the upper hand on Crohn’s, every once in a while it’s going to catch you by surprise. Don’t panic. Don’t stress. And don’t be embarrassed. Your symptoms may be more visible than some people's, but everyone has something they're dealing with. Trust us: Most people are too busy worrying about their own problems to even notice yours (for better or worse). If stuff happens, it happens. Allow yourself to get over it and move on. Everyone else already has.
Crohn’s and Mental Health:Surgical Clinics of North America. (2001). “Psychosocial Aspects of Crohn’s Disease.”pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11218167/
Young Adults, Crohn’s, and Mental Health:克罗恩和结肠炎基金会。(2020)。“大学和心理健康”。crohnscolitisfoundation.org/campus-connection/mental-health.
克罗恩和萧条:小儿胃肠病学与营养杂志。(2014). “Predictors of Depression in Youth with Crohn’s Disease.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4096803/