
如果你的孩子has juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), you know all too well its physical costs: joint inflammation, pain, contractures, fatigue, abnormal growth, and other limitations. But the financial cost of JIA can be high, too. In fact, the annual tally for caring for kids with JIA in the U.S. can range anywhere from $300 to nearly $45,000, according to a 2021 study inPediatric Rheumatology。那么为什么贾如此昂贵呢?我们将研究原因,包括药物,办公室和住院就诊,测试等,并分享聪明的想法,以减少这种情况的高昂护理费用。

并非所有的JIA案件都是相同的。病情较轻,孩子不太可能看到多个(且昂贵)的专家。也许他们可以服用甲氨蝶呤(MTX),一种免疫抑制药物,零售价为2.69美元,以驯服症状。但是,如果孩子的病情已经恶化?家庭法律师助理海蒂·巴雷特(Heidi Barrett)说,这是快速的,他主持了关节炎基金会的三个州章节,他有四个(五分之二)的Jia。她透露:“我们不得不宣布医疗破产。”“我们已经两次消灭退休,以支付孩子的医疗保健费用。”

What’s the biggest cost in JIA treatment? Biologics, innovative drugs that are produced from living organisms that are key in treating it, says Monica Friedman, D.O., chief of pediatric rheumatology at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children. They run $10,000 to $30,000 annually, but can skyrocket to $500,000—and how much you owe in the U.S. depends on if you’re insured (as well as on how much your health plan covers). One of Barrett’s kids is on a biologic with a listed cost of $26,000 every three to four weeks (annual bottom line: $312,000, though few families pay the full out-of-pocket price). Currently, only five biologics are FDA-approved for JIA.

Frequent Doctor and Hospitals Visits Add Up

JIA Kids See More Specialists
Keep those higher costs of multiple doc visits in mind, because kids with JIA also might need an array of specialists to help manage their condition, especially if other issues are occurring, Dr. Friedman says. That medical team could include a pediatric rheumatologist, pediatric ophthalmologist, physical therapist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, orthopedic surgeon, dietitian, and a psychologist or therapist. Each one can treat a specific problem related to JIA, such as eye problems from uveitis (ophthalmologist) or challenges with walking and getting around (physical therapist). Some insurance plans have higher co-pays for specialists, so these costs can compound quickly.

Testing Can Be Pricey, Too

JIA还有很多其他,不太明显的成本:运输,护理人员住宿,旅行费用,替代疗法和治疗并发症。Pediatric Rheumatologystudy. “You have to add up all the hidden costs, like taking time off from work to take a child to appointments or if the child gets sick,” Barrett says. Special diets for kids with JIA can run hundreds of extra dollars a month. And then there’s shoe inserts, special appliances and adaptive devices, gym memberships to stay active, remodeling houses to accommodate kids’ needs … the list goes on.

尽管无法减少JIA治疗的许多费用,但有些可以降低。父母和监护人可以“与Arthritis Foundation弗里德曼博士建议,其他组织可以在社区内获得帮助和资源。“医院的财务顾问还可以作为帮助管理成本的资源。”医院有时会提供经济援助,而在某些州则提供赠款,以协助慢性疾病儿童的医疗费用。巴雷特建议,探索您可以提供的所有选择。

All pharmaceutical companies that make biologics for children with JIA offer co-pay and/or hardship assistance programs that cover the difference between what your insurance pays and your own out-of-pocket expense. This is incredibly helpful, says Barrett, especially if you have a deductible to reach before your plan pays 100% of your medical costs. “Because we receive co-pay assistance from the pharmaceutical [company] for our infusions—[meaning that] we do not incur any out-of-pocket [costs] because the co-pay assist pays what we owe for the infusion—we meet our out-of-pocket deductible fairly fast,” she explains.
Know Your Insurance Plan

It’s easy to lose sight of what this is about—children with JIA. For Barrett, the financial toll has been tremendous, but her family’s Herculean efforts to cover costs are well worth it. “My kids know the financial burden of this disease is not about them. If we lived in other industrialized nations this would not even be in the narrative,” she says. “I never tell our children we do not have money for that, or we are poor, or we are spending too much on medical. What I say instead is we are choosing to spend our money differently or on other things.”
Annual Cost of JIA Care:Pediatric Rheumatology。(2021.) “Economic impact of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: a systematic review.”https://ped-rheum.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12969-021-00641-y
甲氨蝶呤平均价格:Drugs.com. (2021.) “Methotrexate Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs.”https://www.drugs.com/price-guide/methotrexate
JIA的生物制剂:关节炎基础。(n.d.) “First Medications for JIA.”https://www.arthritis.org/drug-guide/medication-topics/first-medications-for-jia
Cost of Inpatient and Outpatient Care in JIA:ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research。(2019年。)“少年特发性关节炎患者的治疗模式和经济结局。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6549432/
Testing in JIA:关节炎基础。(n.d。)“少年特发性关节炎(JIA)。”https://www.arthritis.org/diseases/juvenile-idiopathic-chrothis
Erin L. Boyle, the senior editor at HealthCentral from 2016-2018, is an award-winning freelance medical writer and editor with more than 15 years’ experience. She’s traveled the world for a decade to bring the latest in medical