HS Alternative Therapies Worth Trying


byPatty Onderko Health Writer

如果你有Hidradenitis purnativa(HS) - 导致疼痛沸腾并在皮肤下形成脓肿的慢性炎症疾病 - 无法控制您的疾病可能意味着半成功治疗的拼凑而成。密歇根州迪尔伯恩的韦恩​​州立大学皮肤病学副教授兼计划主任史蒂夫·达维卢(Steve Daveluy M.D.“我们可能将50%的有效性与20%且另一个为15的效果相结合,以使我们尽可能接近100。”达维利博士说,许多人转向替代和家庭疗法以寻求救济。但是他们真的工作了吗?这是您应该知道的。


People with HS have been shown to have a zinc deficiency more often than people without the disease. Dr. Daveluy always tests his patients’ zinc levels and prescribes supplements if they’re low. “Zinc is an anti-inflammatory nutrient that has been shown to be helpful in treating HS,” he says, reducing disease severity. Zinc can actually increase the immunity of the skin cells themselves to help combat and heal the irritation of HS. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of zinc for ages 14 and older, according to the Food and Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, is 11 milligrams (mg) a day for males and 9 mg a day for women.


Try Turmeric



Take a Salt Bath

The second most-tried home remedy? Epsom salt baths. Sixty percent of people with HS give these magnesium sulfate salt soaks a go—and if you spend any time on HS online support forums, you know that plenty of them absolutely swear by them. There’s no hard data on whether the salts work to ease HS symptoms—or even relax sore muscles as they’re typically used for—but since they can’t hurt, says Dr. Daveluy, they’re worth a try. If nothing else, the bath will feel good and clean your inflamed areas. Fill your tub with warm water and follow the instructions on the box of salts for how much to add.


Take a Bleach Bath

我们正在挖所有这些浴室!尽管浸泡在漂白剂中听起来很刺耳,但稀释的化学物质实际上可以减少皮肤的炎症和细菌,从而防止感染和缓解发痒。(请务必避免与您的眼睛接触。)“漂白浴确实确实有帮助,” Daveluy博士说,他建议每周服用一次或两次(尽管每天也很安全,如果它们带给您救济!)。如何做:在全浴缸的温水中稀释半杯常规或“不考虑”的家庭漂白剂。在浴缸中浸泡五到10分钟,然后用温暖的自来水完全冲洗并保湿。

honey mess


蜂蜜已被用作伤口护理中的天然抗菌剂。和伤口护理(治疗您的病变以防止感染)是HS疗法的很大一部分。蜂蜜是吸湿性的,这意味着它可以吸收水分并脱水。另外,与您可能想到的相反,Honey的高糖含量阻碍了微生物的生长。Lindsay C. Strowd,M.D。,F.A.A.D.梅德霍内y—”directly on open sores as a soothing antimicrobial ointment.” Wrap the area in gauze afterward.

Turn Up the Temperature

Honey isn’t the only wound care measure you can use at home. Start by applying a damp warm compress to your lesions for about 10 minutes; the heat will draw out pus and calm inflammation. Next, wash the area with a gentle antibacterial soap (Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Antibacterial Bar是一个不错的选择),然后在应用任何局部疗法和敷料之前完全干燥。Daveluy博士说,切勿在病变上擦洗或挑选病变,并且不要使用酒精,因为它会损害皮肤。为了全天缓解疼痛,要么温暖的压缩或冰袋(都不直接靠在皮肤上)。

CBD oil

Consider Cannabis

According to the University of Arizona study, the HS self-care treatment rated most helpful may surprise you: Almost 60% of study participants found pain relief from smoking marijuana (for comparison, 48% felt Epsom salt baths helped). “There is no scientific evidence beyond these survey results,” says Dr. Daveluy, but it’s worth asking your dermatologist. Topical cannabidiol was rated highly, too, for its anti-inflammatory properties, but Dr. Strowd recommends applying any new oil to a small area of skin inside the wrist to see if you develop any irritation before trying it on open skin.


Ditch Dairy and Brewer’s Yeast

Dairy products can raise insulin levels, which in turn causes a spike in the production of hormones called androgens. Increased androgens play a role in HS disease development, so dairy can cause HS flares in some people. Dr. Daveluy recommends eliminating all dairy for two months, then eating a lot of dairy. “If your HS flares, then you know you’re one of the people who should avoid dairy.” Brewer’s yeast, found in breads, beer, and soy sauce, can also flare HS in some. Ask your dermatologist for an anti-gliadin antibody blood test, which can indicate a sensitivity to brewer’s yeast.

online support group

Connect with Fellow HS Warriors

“Connecting with other people affected by HS can be really powerful,” says Dr. Daveluy. “It helps to know that you’re not the only one going through this struggle, and patients can share treatments and remedies that have worked for them.” However: “Sometimes patients suggest things that aren’t safe,” he says, including cutting open lesions (people get so desperate for relief that they try this very dangerous practice), pouring rubbing alcohol through the tunnels, and applying undiluted bleach to skin. Make sure any HS community you join is moderated. Dr. Daveluy likesHope for HSHS Connect

HS and CAM Survey.JAMA Dermatology。(2020年。)“化身Hidradenenitis患者的互补和替代药物使用。”https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/2759748

Zinc Levels and HS.American Journal of Clinical Dermatology.(2018). “Serum Zinc Levels in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Case–Control Study.”https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40257-018-0374-5

Zinc RDA.国立卫生研究院。(2021.)“锌概况说明书。”https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Zinc-HealthProfessional/


蜂蜜伤口。International Journal of Microbiology。(2019年。)“蜂蜜的抗菌效力。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6589292/

医疗蜂蜜。基于证据的互补替代医学。(2009年。)“伤口护理的医疗蜂蜜 - 仍然是'最新度假胜地'?”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686636/

Meet Our Writer
Patty Onderko

Patty Onderko是一位作家和编辑,涵盖了20多年来的健康,育儿,心理学,旅行以及更多。她和妻子和两个儿子一起住在纽约布鲁克林。