
You’ve got Crohn’s疾病,您知道自己的工作程度。但是,您的老板,谁可能会侧向您的频繁浴室奔跑,并在下午离开办公室进行定期约会,而不明白为什么?告诉雇主有关您的慢性状况可能是迈向更易于管理的工作生活的重要一步。“谈话”肯定会令人生畏,但永远不要担心 - 我们有一些技巧可以帮助您像专业人士一样处理它,以便您获得所需的支持和住宿。



Let’s lead with this disclaimer: You don’t have to tell your boss you have Crohn’s—and in some cases, it may not be necessary. It’s up to you and your comfort level. “We advocate that our patents consider talking to their bosses about their disease if they are comfortable with that,” says Robin Dalal, M.D., gastroenterologist and assistant professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. Still, in some cases (and especially if you already have a strong relationship), telling your boss about your chronic illness may lead to greater flexibility and support.


Consider How Much Information to Share

That said, you don’t have to tell your boss every detail—or even much at all. “My advice is to be thoughtful with your health information and who knows the details,” says Jason Schairer, M.D., gastroenterologist and co-director of the Henry Ford Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center in Novi, MI. He recommends sharing only what needs to be shared to help you do your job effectively. For example, he suggests that you simply say: “I have a medical condition that can act up with little warning. Can we make sure that I have easy access to a restroom?”





Additional Legal Protections: FMLA

Here’s another one to take advantage of: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires that certain employees be given up to 12 weeks a year of unpaid, job-protected leave for certain medical and family reasons, including if you can’t work due to a serious health condition. This can be a major help if you’re living with Crohn’s: “Consider using the FMLA process to establish time to come to doctor’s visits, procedures, and infusions,” Dr. Dalal suggests. You might qualify for FMLA if you have been employed for at least a year by an employer with 50 or more employees.


Schedule a Meeting

It’s wise to schedule a formal meeting with your boss or HR manager to have these conversations, rather than making it a casual in-passing chat or email. This allows you to show them you did your homework and are clear on the accommodations that you’re requesting. Plus, they’ll see you are serious about collaborating to find a way to do your job effectively—and a good employer will want to join you in those efforts. “An investment in keeping you healthy can pay off with a worker who is more available and productive,” Dr. Schairer says.

talking to boss

Lead the Conversation

Once you walk into that meeting (or sign onto Zoom), have a game plan for how to start the discussion, and be ready to set some boundaries. “Be polite and respectful, but firm,” recommends Dr. Schairer. If you feel like your symptoms have already affected your ability to do your job, you may acknowledge so at the start of the conversation. For example, consider leading with something like this: “You might have noticed that I’ve been using a lot of my sick time lately…” Then explain how you are dealing with a chronic health condition called Crohn’s disease.



Educating your employer about Crohn’s can be helpful in some cases, says Dr. Dalal. Again, keep it general—the Job Accommodation Network suggests you just share basic information. Dr. Dalal offers this sample script to adapt to your own comfort level: “IBD is a chronic illness that is cyclical; patients can face associated gastrointestinal symptoms in a recurrent pattern, with periods of symptom inactivity in between active flare-ups and complications. Symptoms may worsen in an unpredictable manner and may go into remission for varying lengths of time. Medications can help manage the discomfort and inflammation but are not cures for IBD.”

doctor's note







Common Requests to Consider


office content


但是,如果您的克罗恩(Crohn)的控制权很好,或者您不需要要求特定的住宿呢?与老板或人力资源经理进行对话可能仍然有好处。例如,知道老板知道您整天在浴室里花一点时间时,您的老板知道您不仅仅是在Instagram上滚动,这可能是您的想法。另外,慢性疾病可能是不可预测的 - 当您感觉良好时,与老板进行谈话,可以使您的健康状况在将来恶化,以增加理解和支持。



While it can be nerve-wracking (and maybe even scary) to think about telling your employer that you have Crohn’s disease, staying silent can have its own costs, too. Let’s emphasize: It’s your private health information, and you get to choose how (and how much) you share about it. These tips can help you feel more confident and prepared going into a disclosure meeting with your employer—and lead to more support for you, including specific accommodations, increased understanding, and reduced stress. You’ve got this!

Americans With Disabilities Act:ada.gov。(2021.)“ ADA简介。”https://www.ada.gov/ada_intro.htm


Working With IBD:Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. (2015.) “Employment and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.”https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/sites/default/files/legacy/assets/pdfs/employment-and-inflammatory.pdf


拉拉·德桑托(Lara DeSanto)

Lara is a health writer, trauma-informed art therapist, and registered associate marriage and family therapist practicing in Los Angeles. She is also a former digital editor for HealthCentral, covering Sexual Health, Digestive Health, Head and Neck Cancer, and Gynecologic Cancers. In a past life, she worked as the patient education editor at the American College of OB-GYNs and as a news writer/editor at WTOP.com.