The challenges that come with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can extend into the kitchen. Proper nutrition is a must for everyone, but for those who live with a chronic illness, like RA, eating smart is vital in helping you maintain, sustain, and repair your body and well-being. Having a plan is essential! Here are some meal-prep strategies to help you fuel your body with nutritious and delicious food, even when an RA-flare has left you feeling exhausted and in pain.
Take advantage of tools and gadgets
Start by making sure your kitchen is equipped with ergonomic tools and gadgets to reduce strain on inflamed joints. These tools not only save time during meal prep, but they can reduce wear-and-tear on those precious hands. Some can do double-duty, like using anegg slicerto cut up mushrooms, or an苹果去核为准备烤土豆。这些使得了不起的礼物的想法了。
精明 - 做一个列表
你是否建立一些锻炼到你的一天eading out to the grocery store or take advantage of online ordering, a well-organized shopping list is a must. Consider it your template for the meals-to-come. Keep a running list of your staples — jot them down when you notice you are running low. Perhaps while leafing through a magazine at your doctor's office, you snapped a picture of a recipe you'd like to try. Add any ingredients you're missing to your list.
选择这为他们的抗发炎的特性已知的食物。To save money, check flyers for specials上项目,你经常使用。考虑切换到干豆,鹰嘴豆,这是更经济 - 更轻放置在你的购物袋时携带 - 比罐装。我在高压锅设置我的即时锅准备大批量的这些,那么在吃饭大小的包冻结。如果你有房,囤积,以尽量减少购物行程。
谁拿RA药物,抑制免疫系统的人特别容易受到大肠杆菌,丙型肝炎和其他食物有关的疾病。请继续通报食品召回记得要彻底清洗水果和蔬菜 - 坚硬的皮肤,甚至那些像哈密瓜和橙子。我还需要时间来擦拭包,如酸奶容器,用热肥皂水。
Measure once, cook twice … or thrice
Is there something you make on a regular basis, like早餐冰沙或者这些Aussie Bites?当你为一个批次焙烤食品做测量,考虑衡量出干配料并将它们存储在为未来的批次气密容器。或预部分冰沙配料冷冻和抓斗在上午。烘烤自己的零食,你可以控制的成分 -likeusing少糖,或代以赤藓醇。准备自己的奶昔可以保证你在你的饮食中获得的关键因素。
我有幸从我的妈妈学习好好吃一顿,准备技能。她教我如何拿到台面上营养和经济实惠的饭菜很快。连小孩子都可以使用餐准备帮助,减少对你的关节劳损。它不仅可以帮助你;它教你关于健康的烹饪和饮食的孩子 - 他们会在他们的生活用技能。小手可以擦洗土豆和搅拌调味料,而年龄较大的儿童可以切块蔬菜或测量出的成分。
Fear may keep you out of the kitchen. Perhaps you were criticized whenever you tried to help, thus establishing a pattern that elicits强调每当你想想饭准备。Stress is cited by many people living with RA as a common trigger for flares.学会识别你憋着的想法有关烹饪,并逐步与那些让厨房友善,温暖的地方要取代它们。参加培训课程,买了一本书,或者选择简单的食谱,赞扬你有限的技能。即使是最好的厨师有厨房的灾难。
Pause to enjoy your food
当你终于可以坐下来有你一顿,花一分钟献上感谢的话你即将吃的食物。A regular expression of gratitude is a great way to reduce强调,这可以帮助消化。随着对食品提供的感谢,记得要感谢自己的创意美食和手,身体和心脏是把时间和精力为使得它。
Make clean up easy
如果您对能源很短,脏盘子饭后堆栈可以给您留下不好的味道。通过选择一个锅吃饭,或者不使用大量的菜肴和餐具涉及配方减少混乱的量。慢锅可以确保你吃饭后,即可获取厨房出来很快。汤frittatas和“厨房水槽”色拉像我Vroom Vroom Salad,是保持菜的细节,以最小的营养选择。