


    Our Pro PanelDepression


    Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.

    Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.焦虑的首席医疗官和美国,教授和精神病学的主席萧条协会在马尔瓦诊所的神经科学

    Dell Medical School, The University of Texas
    Austin, TX
    Jennifer L. Payne, M.D.

    Jennifer L. Payne, M.D.Director of the Women's Mood Disorders Center and Associate Professor of Psychiatry


    卡罗尔A.伯恩斯坦,医学博士Psychiatrist, Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Well-Being in the Departments of Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynecology

    The Bronx, NY
    抑郁症诊断统计包括年龄,percentage who do not receive depression treatment, number of americans who experience depression, chance of having a second depression episode, and depression as the leading cause of disability
    Mental Health


    Those that have a mental illness know that these myths are exactly that: myths. Take a look for yourself.

    6 Symptoms of Depression graphic
    Common Depression Treatments graphic

    Frequently Asked QuestionsDepression

    What’s the difference between being sad and being depressed?

    Sadness is a normal reaction to disappointment, bad news, and loss. (Remember when Jaime Lannister left Brienne of Tarth heartbroken to go canoodle with Cersei in King’s Landing?) Sadness and grief eventually let up over time, even after a devastating loss. Depression doesn’t go away, and it interferes with your ability to do what you need to do on a daily basis. Besides a gloomy mood, depressed people have other symptoms like fatigue, apathy, insomnia or too much sleep, noticeable weight change, crying jags, and (sometimes, but not always) thoughts of suicide.

    How long does depression last?

    To meet the clinical definition of a depressive episode, symptoms must last a minimum of two weeks (though research puts themedian durationat six months). Chronic depression (aka Persistent Depressive Disorder) lasts a minimum of two years, but often lasts much longer. Depression can hang around forever, especially when left untreated.




    不必要。但他们可能。自杀是死亡的主要原因在美国所有年龄组的第10位。抑郁症可以戴在人的心灵,使每分钟感觉就像一个小时,偷睡眠,并创造无助感。We’re not trying to freak you out, but it’s important to keep an eye open for signs of suicidal ideation, like withdrawing from social life, engaging in uncharacteristically reckless behavior (e.g. drug abuse, speeding, unsafe sex), getting their affairs in order (making a will, giving away prized possessions), or outright saying they want to die (even if it’s in a joking manner). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that around 60% of people who die of suicide have a mood disorder like MDD, Persistent Depressive Disorder, or Bipolar Disorder. If you need help for yourself or someone else, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

    Meirav Devash

    Meirav Devash


    Meirav Devash是a writer, editor, and beauty, health, and wellness expert, reporting on topics from mental health to goth fitness and cannabis law.