我有很多次在我的生命中,我感到绝望。我觉得这个时期当我面对伟大的财政困难,当我还是一个青少年有时三份工作只是工作。如果一个坏事发生意外法案或设备分解,这是一个大灾难。我记得在努力工作和上大学,想,“我做了什么?”I felt hopeless to wish for a better future because it seemed all I did was try to keep the status quo of survival. In the end I persevered and kept going to school and eventually I did get my degrees. I am glad I did. But there were many times I wanted to give up. I have also experienced hopelessness with regard to my depression. It would seem that I would be getting better and then another life stressor or crisis would knock me back to my knees. In those darkest of times I could not see any possibility of a light at the end of the tunnel. I felt trapped by my internal struggle. I would fight so hard just to be sent back into the pits. It seemed so unfair. Where were the efforts of my work?
我经历过这种情绪,总是那么难看到别人。对话是被“我不能。”Any suggestion of options or choices is met with negativity or resistance. There is always some reason they cannot pursue a way of working on their problems. Hopelessness is contagious. It can spread to the people who are offering to help you. It is possible to convince others that indeed, your situation is hopeless. But seldom, if ever, is that the truth of the matter. We all have choices; we just may not like the choices we presently have. I have seen hopelessness up close and personal during some of my internships working with people who had alcohol or drug addictions in addition to mental illness. I remember one man who told me he would die of his addiction. He saw no other options in his life for recovery. He had given up any hope for change. Some months after I had left the program I heard that he had died. Hopelessness in the extreme can cost you your life.
我有一个很棒的医生当我还是个年轻人疲于应对我的抑郁症。会有很多次,当我将面临类似的情况提出了无能为力的感觉,当我还是个孩子。仿佛我学会了应对回到小时候的感觉几乎是令人欣慰的。我的治疗师会提醒我,“现在是哪一年?”He would tell me that what was once true of my life as a child is no longer applicable today. Maybe you are faced with a social opportunity and you feel hopeless because as a kid you were teased and bullied. You fear the same responses now. You have to remind yourself, that was then and this is now. You have much more power as an adult to handle life's circumstances.
- 接受是什么。无论在你的盘子上,说这是现在如何。一些生活环境是永久性的,我们必须调整。但许多生活环境只是暂时的挫折。试着回忆的时候你担心这么多只是暂时的。有些事情似乎是世界末日,但现在回想起来,当时间流逝,你会发现,这些障碍是可以克服的。
- 让自己发泄和抒情。下面多少绝望的愤怒。对不公平的情况。和你是对的你正在经历的一些事情是非常不公平的。我觉得最好是生气,让这种情绪,而不是陷入绝望。在绝望的领域你放弃你的生活的责任的命运。无论怎样的困境我们可能会发现自己在我们总是负责我们自己的生活,不是你的朋友,不是你的家人,不是你的治疗师。哭,生气,然后做出选择接受和/或成长。
- 学会依靠别人,获得支持当你需要它。这是斯多葛派的树没有好处。有时候你不能做自己,你需要帮助。这是好的!这是比把事情埋在心里,然后生气,因为没有人阅读你的思想,你需要帮助。人们不会知道直到你问。寻求帮助和支持是非常不同于我们要求别人给我们的解决方案,而没有努力帮助自己。人们更有可能提供支持和帮助,如果他们看到你做一些努力,但是小,来改善你的生活。