Image of Cory Martin

When You Have MS, It's All About the Big Picture

These six men and women with multiple sclerosis share how they found perspective, inspiration, and renewed purpose.


depression anxiety

Feeling Depressed and Worried About Your MS? You're Not Alone

A lot of uncertainty comes with multiple sclerosis and learning to cope with it isn't easy. We're here to show you how.

ByJulie Halpert

Working Your Way Through Multiple Sclerosis

Holding down a 9-to-5 while managing MS? Totally doable with these tips on making office life easier.

ByLara DeSanto
bridge stretch


Muscle spasms mess with your ability to live an active life. These exercises can make a serious difference in how you feel.

ByLara DeSanto

How to Know When Your RRMS Is Progressing to SPMS

When familiar symptoms appear and worsen, then never retreat, you'll know the disease is advancing.

ByJeanine Barone
night sweats

Sweet Relief for MS Night Sweats

Chill! These MS-friendly gadgets will help regulate your body temp all night long.

ByJackie Zimmerman