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Woman getting a blood test taken at a lab.

DIY Thyroid Tests: What to Know Before You Go It Alone

Home thyroid test kits and direct-to-consumer lab services let you skip the doctor and check your hormone levels yourself. Find out when it make sense and why you still need your M.D.

Thyroid blood profile.

My TSH Says I’m Fine – Now What?

Besides T3, T4, and TSH, what other thyroid tests should my doctor perform? Your TSH, and even your T3 and T4 tests, don’t always give the full picture.

Business working on graphics.

Organize Your Thyroid Bloodwork Results

These are the thyroid bloodwork results that are important to track, and tips for how to keep it all organized.

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The Connection Between Your Heart and Thyroid

Thyroid problems are a common cause of heart-related symptoms and conditions that increase your risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke.

Blood sample in tubes on medical exam forms

Hypothyroidism vs. Hyperthyroidism: Blood Tests

了解更多关于甲状腺疾病的血液测试,and about hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.