

Tips, guidance, and stories from others who understand the world of caregiving, whether for your aging parents, spouse, children with chronic illness, or as your career.

Senior walking with his caregiver.
Living With

The Stages of Alzheimer's and the Caregiver's Role

Here’s how people living with Alzheimer’s disease, and their families, can prepare for the future.

The Latest

Elderly man in wheelchair and young woman, from behind
Self Care

Caregiving Pain: What’s in a Name?

Having a person with dementia forget your name is among the most painful parts of the illness and caregiving. A veteran caregiver shares stories to help you feel less alone and tips for handling the hurt.

Senior mother and daughter laughing together.
Support Systems

If Your Aging Parent Needs Help but Won’t Accept it: Proceed With Caution

Being the caregiver for an aging parent who doesn’t want help takes a slow, careful approach to get maximum cooperation.

senior woman with young caregiver

How to Stay Positive While Caregiving

When surrounded by illness and burdened by menial tasks, it can be easy for caregivers to slide into negative thinking. Here are some practical strategies to stay positive.

Young man and old man playing chess in the park
Living With

Your Parent With Dementia Needs Help, but Won't Admit It

Here’s how to maintain their dignity and offer choices.

many multi-colored pills

Is Your Aging Parent on Too Many Meds?

The older people get, the more prescriptions they take to stay healthy. That's not always a good thing. Find out how to keep your loved ones safe.

Sisters making dinner for their senior father.

How to Deal With Resentment of Family Members Who Don't Pitch In

How to breach the delicate issue of when siblings don't pitch in? Here are some practical pointers that help save your health and relationships.

Alzheimers Authors showcasing their books.

Horses and Writing Kept This Caregiver Afloat

Ann Campanella’s dual struggle with miscarriage and caring for her mother with Alzheimer's led her to write a book and later to become an advocate for authors like her.

clarity in dementia
Living With

Moments of Clarity: How Loved Ones Living With Dementia Can Surprise Us

It’s not unheard of to enjoy a glimpse of your elder as they were before. Carol Bradley Bursack shares how to cherish these thrilling moments of clarity.

Woman carrying groceries for her senior father.
Living With

Dementia: How to Respond to Impatient People and Maintain Your Loved One's Dignity

Our Caregiving Expert, Carol Bradley Bursack, shares how she responds to insensitive comments toward elders.

Middle age friends having a discussion in a living room.

Why Language Matters With Dementia

Words like "suffering" and "patient" place dementia in a tragedy narrative and make it difficult for the caregiver to stay positive.

Meet the Experts

Carol Bradley Bursack

Carol Bradley Bursack is a veteran family caregiver who writes as the Candid Caregiver as well as focusing on dementia.

The Candid Caregiver

A safe place for all caregivers, of any condition area or caregiving level, to go for candid yet professional guidance from veteran caregiver Carol Bradley Bursack.

Tracy Davenport, Ph.D.
Health Writer

Since 2004, Dr. Davenport has shared her passion for health and knowledge of the psycho-social aspects of chronic diseases with the HealthCentral community.

Health News

Smiling senior couple with fitness trainer.

New Findings on Exercise and Dementia

Results of the Dementia and Physical Activity (DAPA) trial, a randomized, controlled study conducted in the United Kingdom, suggest that moderate- to high-intensity aerobic and strength training doesn’t slow cognitive decline and may worsen symptoms ...

Man holding his foot.

Older Adults With Gout Have Higher Rates of Dementia

Seniors with gout, a painful condition caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, have a 17 to 20 percent higher-than-normal risk for dementia, according to a recent study.

Woman stressed out by a heavy workload.

Your Stressful Job Raises Your A-fib Risk

A Swedish study reports that job strain is associated with an almost 50 percent increased risk of a-fib.