
Females have their own set of symptoms, but doctors often don’t recognize them—and other infuriating facts about this all-too-common heart ailment.

by马特·麦克米伦 卫生作家

中心疾病控制与预防(CDC)估计,目前有超过600万美国人与心脏衰竭。It’s a chronic, progressive, and turns out, equal-opportunity disease, affecting just as many women as it does men. But you might not know that from the specific symptoms doctors look for, the equipment used to scan for this condition, or the lack of referrals women typically get after showing up to their doctors’ offices.

那么,什么给呢?Biologically female bodies often develop and experience heart failure symptoms that are not the same as their male counterparts—which can lead to ignored warning signs and even missed diagnoses in a world that has long and widely regarded men’s symptoms as classic ones, with women’s symptoms deviating from what is considered to be the norm.

If you’re a woman who is concerned about heart failure—maybe捕鱼手机版下载 在您的家庭中奔跑,或者您经历了一些令人不安的症状,例如短暂的或缺乏精力的呼吸 - 让我们的心力衰竭专家带动您解决心力衰竭有时会更加严重打击女性的所有原因。



  • 血液在您的肺部倒退,导致呼吸急促。

  • 血液在您身体其他部位(例如腿和腹部)中恢复,导致肿胀。

  • 您的肌肉,器官和其他必需品无法获得足够的氧气,使您疲劳,并且能够身体活跃。

Without treatment, the disease gets worse over time.




Women are more likely to get the other type: diastolic heart failure, or heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). In this type, the heart remains strong, but it has become stiff. That makes it harder for it to relax between heart beats. The result: less blood can flow into the heart, so there’s less blood for the heart to pump out. Unlike HFrEF, HFpEF has few treatment options except for managing symptoms. That’s because there’s little evidence that currently available heart failure drugs provide any benefit to this form of heart failure.

“There haven’t been as many trials in HFpEF, and that’s a major problem,” says cardiologist Tamara Horwich, M.D., a professor of medicine at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine and co-director of the UCLA Women's Cardiovascular Health Center in Los Angeles.

However, that is changing. Dr. Horwich points out that a type of drug called SGLT2 inhibitors reduces hospitalizations for heart failure as well as death from the disease. One such drug, Jardiance (empagliflozin) was approved for HFpEF in February.



那里area few possible explanations for more diastolic heart failure found in women, says cardiologist Sitaramesh Emani, M.D., who specializes in advanced heart failure at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, OH.

First up? Age.



3. Diabetes and Other Conditions Affect Women More

但是其他解释更为复杂。例如,HFPEF的主要危险因素是糖尿病。And for some reason, diabetes is particularly worrisome for women in terms of heart failure, Dr. Horwich adds. “Take a man and a woman with diabetes, and the woman has the higher risk of getting heart failure than the man,” she says. “That’s not fully understood.”

Other HFpEF risk factors known to affect women more than men include stress,焦虑,肥胖Horwich博士指出,甘油三酸酯和高水平的甘油三酸酯是一种在血液中循环的脂肪。与糖尿病一样,尚不清楚为什么这些其他健康问题使女性的风险高于男性的心力衰竭。

One better understood cause of HFpEF in women is high blood pressure, or高血压。霍里奇博士说,女性通常会看到更年期后的血压升高,大约55岁。随着时间的流逝,由于高血压而导致的心脏压力会导致心脏僵硬,最终可能导致HFPEF。







Emani博士说,考虑女性心力衰竭的原因时,也可能会发挥另一个因素:医生对女性心脏病的看法。心力衰竭的两个主要原因是心脏病发作冠状动脉疾病(CAD)。Both, says Dr. Emani, were historically under-recognized in women. The result: Doctors are often less likely to suspect a woman might have heart failure because they didn’t look for signs of previous heart attack or CAD.




另一个捕获?女人倾向于只去看医生aftertheir heart failure symptoms have become severe, says Dr. Emani. Why? Because of social and cultural expectations, women often find themselves caring for others before caring for themselves.

“Women at times feel relied upon by family and other people close to them, so they may tough it out,” says Dr. Emani. By the time they do see a doctor, they may have severe shortness of breath and other symptoms. Which creates a vicious cycle in how they are diagnosed.


7. HFpEF Is More Difficult to Diagnosis


提供了HFPEF的更高级测试,但在所有医疗中心都不可用。此外,医生在订购那些更复杂的测试之前首先需要怀疑心力衰竭:“您需要更多的时间,并且必须寻找心力衰竭,” Horwich博士说。



为什么这样?埃玛尼博士说:“其中有些可能没有被认为是隐性的偏见。”“ [医生]可能认为这与心脏病或瓣膜疾病无关,因为这是女性患者。”

Dr. Horwich agrees: “Heart disease is still seen as a man’s disease.”

Be Your Own Female Heart Failure Advocate

“The most important thing,” says Dr. Horwich, “is to listen to your body.” You know when something feels "off" or wrong, even if your doctor discounts it at first.

Dr. Horwich describes a common scenario: a patient of hers complained of shortness of breath, and her doctor told her she was anxious because she had a new baby.

“It turned out she had postpartum cardiomyopathy with heart failure,” says Dr. Horwich. “She just kept going back and saying I know my body, I’m not anxious, there’s something wrong here.”


Dr. Emani recommends knowing the signs and symptoms of heart failure and recognizing subtle changes that may be a warning sign, such as a drop in your energy level. “Bring that to your doctor’s attention,” he says.


“If men in your family had heart disease, understand that it’s not going to skip the women,” says Dr. Emani.

And if you had complications during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, be aware that you are at higher risk of cardiovascular disease later in life, particularly hypertension, adds Dr. Horwich.


心脏衰竭:梅奥诊所。(2021.)“心力衰竭。”https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-failure/symptoms-causes/syc-20373142#:~:: text = heart%20Failure%20Occurs%20Occurs%20Curs%20WHEN%20WHEN%20WHEN%20THE COM20BLUE%20BLUE%20BLUE%20CYANOTIOT)。

女性心力衰竭:Cleveland Clinic. (2019.) “Heart Failure in Women.”https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17078 Heart-failure-in-in-Women


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自2002年以来,马特·麦克米伦(Matt McMillen)一直是自由健康记者。在那段时间,他写了从针灸到寨卡病毒的所有内容。他涵盖了爆发医学新闻和最新的医学研究,概括了名人