Heart Disease 心脏病Prevention

Let's Talk About Heart Disease Prevention

The silver lining around many forms of heart disease: There's a ton you can do to prevent them. Ready to take action?

    Our Pro Panel心脏病Prevention

    We went to some of the nation's top experts in heart disease to bring you the most up-to-date information possible.

    Guy Mintz, M.D.

    Guy Mintz, M.D.Director of Cardiovascular Health & Lipidology

    Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital
    Manhasset, NY
    Michael Goyfman M.D., MPH

    Michael Goyfman M.D., MPHDirector of Clinical Cardiology

    Long Island Jewish Forest Hills
    Queens, NY
    Benjamin James Hirsh, M.D. headshot.

    Benjamin Hirsh, M.D.Director of Preventive Cardiology

    North Shore University Hospital
    Manhasset, NY


    At what age do I need to start thinking about heart disease?

    It’s never too soon. Heart disease can start when you’re still young, but typically it develops after age 65. Still, heart disease doesn’t happen overnight. It most often develops over many years, as habits like smoking, eating poorly, and otherwise neglecting your health, take their slow toll. The earlier you embrace heart-healthy habits, the better your chances of preventing heart disease.

    How do I get my spouse/partner to take heart health more seriously?

    Partners have a big influence on each other. If one eats poorly, for example, nine times out of 10, the other will, too. In addition to discussing your concerns, start modeling the lifestyle changes you want to see in your spouse. For example, research has shown that if you start to exercise regularly, the couch potato you love so much will move along with you.

    Is there a quick fix to prevent heart disease?

    Sadly, no. But your heart’s health is well worth the effort. Keep in mind that many changes that seem hard at first can become habits over time. Don’t be surprised if you enjoy working out or refraining from alcohol. Still, it’s true that some people will always struggle with weight maintenance, healthy eating, or snuffing out smoking. Ask your doctor for advice and maybe a referral to a specialist who can help guide your efforts. The most important thing? Just keep trying.

    Is it too late if I already have heart disease?

    No! All the things you do to prevent heart disease in the first place, like eating well and exercising, will also help you live a longer and healthier life even if you have some form of heart disease. Of course, medications and surgery may be necessary, too, but the most important thing you can do is to take care of your heart every day.

    Matt McMillen

    Matt McMillen

    Matt McMillen has been a freelance health reporter since 2002. In that time he’s covered everything from acupuncture to the Zika virus.