过敏镜头通常给患者的过敏史的处方药物过敏不能得到控制。我们通常喜欢先尝试处方药如过敏射击是危险的,需要患者大量的工作。为了接收过敏杆,你必须首先看到你的过敏症将决定谁给你是什么过敏(见方法最后的博客)。你是过敏什么过敏杆基本上注入到你的手臂小剂量来。当开始过敏射击,我们开始通过注射最小剂量,然后我们的目标是在每次拍摄中给予较大剂量,直到你到“维持”剂量。这个想法是,你的身体会变得宽容的过敏原,可以接触到更大的量,而不必症状。在过敏射击将含有蛋白质的混合物到你的过敏发现,你是过敏性的项目,因此我们需要开始用小剂量,因为你可能要注射的反应。收到您的过敏射击后,我们要求你在办公室等待至少15-30分钟,以确保您不必注射的反应。典型的反应包括瘙痒,红肿或在所在部位注射液,或在某些情况下,人可能会出现呼吸困难,全身荨麻疹和咽喉肿胀更广义的反应肿胀。这些反应的过敏镜头可以给予抗组胺药,类固醇吸入剂和肾上腺素治疗。 You may also need to receive replacement fluids via the vein if your blood pressure drops. However, the more severe reactions do not occur frequently, but may occur when you have a cold or there is a high pollen count outside. Therefore if you are receiving allergy shots, you should let your doctor know if you have been recently sick. Allergy shots are usually given once per week when you start. Each week, the dose of the shot is increased, provided that you don't have a reaction with the last shot. If you have a small reaction, the allergist may give you the same dose, or slightly less. If you have a large reaction, the dose will be made even smaller. When you reach the largest dose, the maintenance dose, you can start receiving shots every 3-4 weeks, which makes it a lot easier. It usually takes about 4-5 months to reach this point where you can come every 3-4 weeks. Not everyone responds (e.g., their allergy symptoms get better) to allergy shots and it is difficult to predict who will respond. We usually say that if you have not had any improvement in your allergies after 1 year of receiving shots, that you will not respond and we stop the shots. Allergy shots are usually continued 3-5 years if you respond well to them and then they are stopped. It is believed that the shots may change your immune system so that you become tolerant to the allergen. Again, if you have further questions about receiving allergy shots, please ask your allergist, or you can write to me.