
Fatigue and weight gain are just two signs you might need a new approach to treating your thyroid condition.

经过Tracy Davenport, Ph.D. Health Writer



甲状腺disease is a fairly common condition: An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disorder. But as many as 60% of them don’t know they have it, according to the American Thyroid Association. Rather, they attribute symptoms like fatigue to a host of other possibilities, from getting older to too much stress or even depression. As a result, the condition is not diagnosed and treated properly, or when it is diagnosed, it is undertreated, meaning you are not receiving a sufficient dose of thyroid medication to ward off the symptoms and get back to living your healthiest life.




Rapid Heart Rate

有很多原因的原因赛车心,但根据爱荷华州德梅因市德梅因市中心的血管外科医生劳里·库斯特纳(Laurie Kuestner,M.D.原因:甲状腺激素过多最近的甲状腺激素研究。此外,激素加快了每种收缩的发生率,提高心率并迫使您的心脏努力工作。


Nail Changes

Ironically, your dermatologist may be one of the first to notice your thyroid disease is undertreated. That’s because thyroid hormone receptors are found throughout your body, including around your nails. If you have too much or not enough thyroid hormone circulating in your body, it can disrupt the speed of skin growth under the nail bed near these receptors. The result: Onycholysis, a condition where the nail plate separates from the skin behind it, deforming the nail surface.甲状腺研究表明虽然甲溶解是甲状腺疾病的已知早期迹象,但许多医生没有接受培训。


Weight Loss or Weight Gain


甲状腺功能减退症的治疗应该让您在没有甲状腺问题的情况下与其他人相似。然而,请记住:“甲状腺功能减退症导致的大多数体重增加是由于水和盐所致,盐仅大约五到10磅。”纽约州纽约州成功湖中的内分泌学家Maria Villamil Jarauta,M.D.。“这意味着即使您的甲状腺治疗方法正常,您也不会因药物治疗而减少20至30磅。”

Still, if you have hypothyroidism and your weight is going up despite an initial drop after starting treatment, it’s possible your doctor needs to adjust your dosage. It’s also possible something else is going on. “Your thyroid may not be the reason,” says Dr. Jarauta. Either way, it’s time to check in with your doctor.

Cold Intolerance



Gut and thyroid diseases often show up together. For example, the prevalence of thyroid disease in patients with celiac disease is four times greater than that in the general population.肠道甲状腺轴的研究正在进行to understand the exact mechanisms at work, but experts do agree that GI distress is a sign your thyroid disease may be undertreated. “If you are experiencing constipation for more than five days or if there is no improvement to your digestive symptoms after your thyroid treatment, it is possible that you may need more medication,” says Dr. Jarauta.


Up to 80% of people with hypothyroidism experience physical difficulties such as joint pain and muscle fatigue or weakness, according to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. If your thyroid disease is undertreated, basic activities like climbing stairs, getting up from a squatting position, and combing your hair can start to feel challenging, even if you’ve always been in good shape. These aches and pains may be caused directly by changes in hormone levels in your body, but they can also be an indication of a secondary disease: “People with hypothyroidism also have a higher risk of developing other autoimmune diseases such as捕鱼平台游戏 或乳糜泻,” Jarauta博士说。“如果您在肌肉中遭受炎症或尽管您的治疗感到疲劳,则必须检查这些情况。”


所以你一直都在累。这只是一个成群结队的kids and working-flite time折衷的一部分……对吗?不总是。疲劳是医生在诊断甲状腺功能减退症中最早寻求的危险信号之一。好消息:甲状腺功能减退症药物can quickly relieve these feelings of tiredness. Which is why, if you’ve been on treatment for a while and the fatigue is creeping back in, you should talk with your doctor about trying a higher dose or switching meds.





  • 您在错误的时间服用甲状腺药物。最好将您的药物放在相当空的胃中,无论是早晨还是晚上睡觉前的一件事。

  • You’re not being consistent with your thyroid medication schedule.The thyroid gland is very sensitive to changes in routine. If you take it for three days and then forget for two, you won’t get the result you’re looking for.

  • You’ve gained a lot of weight.甲状腺药物的给药可能会根据您的体重而改变。

  • 您用咖啡洗了甲状腺药物。您最喜欢的早晨唤醒饮料会干扰该药物的吸收。

  • You need more T4 in your thyroid medication.If you are not experiencing symptom relief, ask you doctor about trying a different option.







指甲变化研究:The Pan African Medical Journal。(2019年1月。)“八氯化是甲状腺疾病的早期指标。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6522173/

Nail Changes Facts:American Academy of Dermatology. (2021.) “Thyroid Disease: A Checklist of Skin, Hair, and Nail Changes.”https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/a-z/thyroid-disease-skin-changes







Meet Our Writer
Tracy Davenport, Ph.D.
