如果你有breasts, you’ve no doubt wondered at times if yours are “normal.” After all, there’s a ton of natural variety out there—big, small, tear-dropped, side set, bell-shaped, asymmetrical, perky, droopy … they can even have丘疹。列表继续!
So, what’s considered typical when it comes to breasts? When should you be concerned or even flag your doctor about irregularities? And are there ways to help keep your breasts in tip-top shape? Our pair of experts clear up the confusion (and nip unnecessary worry in the bud).
Thankfully, most women have healthy breasts for most of their lives. Consider the following characteristics as signs of healthy breasts:
健康的乳房具有外观和质地,一生都保持相对较差。大卫·欧胡斯(David Euhus),医学博士professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, MD. He points out that there’s a wide range of what’s considered “normal” when it comes to the look and feel of your breasts.
例如,许多妇女的乳房有肿块,坎bump和/或浓密的乳房,尤其是在绝经前的情况下,Lauren M. DeStefano, M.D。她说,只要您能感觉到整个乳房的肿块,并且双方基本相同,这被认为是正常的。Destefano博士补充说:“我经常告诉女性,了解自己的身体很重要。”“知道什么何时新事物是新事物,因为他们自己的身体确实是最重要的事情。”
何时关注:If you notice any lumps, on just one or on both breasts, that are harder or feel different than the rest of your breast, talk to your doctor. It’s likely noncancerous, but it’s important to make sure. So, get it checked out.
何时关注:Look out for skin changes such as redness, swelling, rashes, or darkening, says Dr. Euhus. A rash might be related to a chronic condition, such as捕鱼手游 。再说一次,如果您的乳房是红色的,并且您怀孕或护理,则可能会出现乳房感染,该乳房感染会粘在您的乳房或牛奶管道上。Euhus博士指出,当您不怀孕或母乳喂养时,通常会从细菌进入乳房中感染乳房感染,通常是乳晕边缘周围。如果您患有自身免疫性疾病,乳房植入物,乳头穿刺,烟草或尼古丁成瘾或湿疹,则更有可能per the Cleveland Clinic.
It’s unusual, but sometimes a change in color means something more serious is going on. Inflammatory乳腺癌can develop quickly, making your breasts swollen and red within a couple of weeks. It also makes your skin look and feel bumpy, like an orange peel, Dr. Euhus says. Though炎性乳腺癌他补充说,很少见,这可能是积极的。因此,请您的医生立即检查任何此类更改。
Your breasts should be at the same temperature as the rest of your body, according to Dr. Euhus.
何时关注:如果您注意到乳房中的任何区域都会加热和/或红色,请参见您的医生,Euhus博士建议。这可能是乳腺炎,乳腺组织的炎症会影响多达25%的母乳喂养妇女。最近的评论。But it’s important to know that anyone can get mastitis, per the Mayo Clinic, including men. It can be accompanied by an infection and may require antibiotics.
另一方面,有时温暖的信号表明炎症可能是由pulled muscle。(不,您的乳房不是肌肉,但是如果您劳累,则胸部肌肉可能会发炎。)从任何导致压力和轻柔拉伸的活动中休息,这是您最好的选择。
4. Nipples Do Not Discharge Blood
乳头排放is common when you’re pregnant, nursing, or you’ve recently had a baby. But even when none of those apply to you, Dr. DeStefano notes that some nipple discharge is totally normal. “You can express a discharge from 80% of women, even women that haven’t had a baby for a long, long time,” agrees Dr. Euhus.
Pain in your breasts is extremely common and generally “not a sign of something scary,” assures Dr. DeStefano. “乳房疼痛is very rarely associated with a breast cancer.”
“Having pain is not a sign that your breasts are sick—it’s a sign that you have breasts,” Dr. Euhus adds. He explains that breast pain is broken down into two groups: cyclical mastalgia, or pain that’s associated with your monthly menstrual cycle; and noncyclic mastalgia, which tends to be pain in one spot.
Besides hormonal fluctuations, Dr. DeStefano says another major cause of pain is wearing the wrong bra size. She recommends getting properly fitted for a bra at your local department store. “Wearing a properly fitted support bra is really key. The breasts move and bounce more than we may realize just in daily life,” she says.
During yourregular breast self-exam,请务必检查您的腋窝。每个都有大约20个淋巴结,它们是构成人体免疫系统一部分的小豆类组织簇。大多数情况下,您甚至不会注意到它们。另外,一些妇女的腋窝有乳房组织(腋窝)。
Decrease your caffeine consumption(咖啡,茶,苏打水,巧克力)。她说:“通常,我的咖啡爱好者会告诉我,一旦减少咖啡摄入量,他们的乳房疼痛就不那么糟糕了。”
Take NSAIDs(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as Advil or Motrin (ibuprofen).
Try evening primrose oil,DeStefano博士说的一种补充减轻疼痛。It’s usually taken as a supplement or applied as a topical oil.
Consider Rx medicationsthat your doctor can prescribe for you if none of the above work to decrease your breast pain. This includes Danocrine (danazole) and Nolvadex (tamoxifen),per the Cleveland Clinic。
限制您的酒精摄入量。Destefano博士指出:“适度可以。”对于生物妇女来说,这意味着每天不超过一杯Mayo Clinic。
Get to (and stay at) a healthy weight. Talk to your doctor about what that means for you.
Stay physically active. The current美国人的体育锻炼指南建议每周五次进行30分钟的适度活动,并进行两次肌肉加强运动。“ [中等活动]可以走路;它不必太艰难了,” Destefano博士补充说。
Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and fiber.
乳腺炎:梅奥诊所。(2020.) “Mastitis: Symptoms and causes.”https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mastitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20374829
When to See Doc for Swollen Lymph Nodes:梅奥诊所。(202Https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mastitis/mastitis/symptoms-causes/syc-203748291。)“淋巴结肿胀:症状和原因。”https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/swollen-lymph-nodes/symptoms-causes/syc-20353902
Breast Self-Examination Questions:认识你的女孩。(2022.)“知道你的正常。”https://knowyourgirls.org/resources/know-your-normal/
Rx Medications for Breast Pain:Cleveland Clinic. (2021.) “Breast Pain (Mastalgia).”https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15469-breast-pain-mastalgia