Obesity Diagnosis

Relative Fat Mass (RFM): An Accurate Alternative to BMI

Woman measuring her waist to calculate her relative fat mass.
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; National Institutes of Health; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
    Amy Hendel, P.A.

    Amy Hendel, P.A.


    被称为“HealthGal”,艾米Hendel公共广播是一个地中海ical and lifestyle reporter, nutrition and fitness expert, health coach and brand ambassador. Trained as a physician assistant, she maintains a health coach private practice in New York and Los Angeles. Author of The Four Habits of Healthy Families, find her on Twitter @Healthgal1103 and on Facebook @TheHealthGal. Check “Daily Health News” at healthgal.com. Her personal mantra? “Fix it first with food, fitness, and lifestyle.”