When you have a thyroid problem,减肥可以感受到令人望而生畏。你进入你的饮食进行全面改革之前,尝试古饮食或采用复杂的程序计算卡路里,碳水化合物,或脂肪,也有一些简单的方法来启动。让我们来看看这些婴儿的步骤 - 基本的,最简单改变你现在可以做— that will get you quickly on the path to a healthier diet and weight loss, despite having a pre-existing thyroid condition.
Practice mindful, slower eating
One of the most basic things you can start doing right away is to practicemindful eating。Nutritional psychologist Marc David is the founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating and author of the book “拖慢饮食“。据大卫,盲目吃 - 吃快速心烦意乱 - 减缓或停止我们从转移能力“fight or flight” into “rest and digest” mode。它还块荷尔蒙可以帮助我们正确地消化食物,手感丰满,并燃烧脂肪的释放。
- 首先,慢下来。抓紧时间好好吃饭。彻底咀嚼你的食物,吃更慢。
- 其次,呼吸。大卫建议您采取三种深层清洁的呼吸每餐和零食之前,转移到“休息和消化”模式。您还可以采取叮咬之间有很深的腹部呼吸。
- 三,停止一边吃多任务处理。不要站着吃,在你的车,一边看书,看电视,或在电话上交谈。
While some nutritional experts recommend “grazing” and multiple mini-meals throughout the day, this approach may not be best for people with thyroid conditions. Consider the advice of the late Byron Richards, author of “The Leptin Diet,” and limit yourself to两到三个餐,每天,没有零食, and avoid food after 8 p.m. Giving your body longer breaks between meals, and a substantial overnight break of eight or more hours, helps sensitize your hormones to respond more effectively to hunger and satiety signals, and allows time for the body to shift into fat-burning mode for energy.
Cut back on processed foods
有围绕这一建议没有办法。健康的饮食是导致减肥对你作为一个甲状腺病人将涉及加工食品削减。The more you can emphasize whole foods in their natural forms and start to cut back on foods that come from packages, the better choices you will make. Stock up on fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits, lean meats, poultry and fish, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. Start cutting back on the amount of cookies, candy, crackers, cereals, low-carb pasta, and other processed foods you eat.
Cut back on sugar and simple carbohydrates
Foods that contain sugar — or that easily convert into sugar — are a barrier to weight loss, especially for people with thyroid disease. One of the most obvious things you can start doing is to cut back on sugary, high-glycemic foods, including foods that are high in “simple” carbohydrates.
复合碳水化合物 - 高纤维的粗粮,或高纤维的蔬菜和水果,如红薯和蓝莓 - 都在较低血糖生成指数表and have a lower impact on blood sugar. Sugary foods such as table sugar, honey, molasses, and processed foods that contain sugar — desserts and low-fiber sugary cereals, for example — are high-glycemic simple carbohydrates. They are rapidly absorbed, and quickly raise blood sugar.
至于婴儿的步骤,开始切割糖回来。(这也无二artificial sweetenerssuch as sucralose, saccharine, and aspartame, which are increasingly implicated in weight gain, without evidence that they contribute to weight loss.) Later, you can consider recommendations like those of cardiologist Ron Rosedale, M.D., creator of “The Rosedale Diet,” who says that for weight loss, cut out all forms of sugar — including most fruits — and sugary soft drinks.
从营养学专家一个亲尖德克凡利斯,医学博士is to start carrying psyllium fiber capsules with you to take with meals, especially low-fiber carbohydrates or sugar, to help make lower-fiber foods more high-fiber, and reduce their glycemic impact.
Adiet high in fiber有很多好处,尤其是对患有甲状腺疾病:
- 当你吃高纤维,你感觉更饱,时间,allowing you to eat less.
- It helps lower the glycemic impact of sugary and high-carbohydrate foods.
- 它有助于减少便秘,常见的甲状腺功能减退的副作用。
保持健康水润is an important way to help level the playing field for weight loss. Research shows that increasing your water intake can lead to loss of body weight due to reduced appetite and fat loss. It’s not hard to up your intake of water, caffeine-free beverages, and foods — soups count too! Some experts recommend that you take in as much as one ounce of water for each pound of your target body weight.
Get more sleep
Incorporating more probiotics into your diet — in particular, powerful孢子基于益生菌补充剂可以对抗被称为炎性,体重减轻,破坏条件代谢的内毒素血症— is a simple change you can make. Consider taking a daily probiotic supplement, and incorporate more probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, miso, kimchee, sauerkraut, and kombucha into your daily diet.
食品毒素make weight loss more difficult. One baby step you can take is to start choosing grass-fed, hormone-free, pesticide-free, organic versions of your favorite meats, poultry, dairy products, and produce.
Good fats like those in olive oil, olives, avocados, healthy nuts, and the fats found in fish make you feel full and help your metabolism function effectively. Consider replacing unhealthy fats in your diet with the好脂肪。
Watch thyroid-sabotaging foods
Goitrogens是促进甲状腺肿的形成食品,放慢你甲状腺和甲状腺素(T4)的入碘甲状腺原氨酸的转化(T3)干涉。一些常见的食物goitrogenic包括大豆,花椰菜,芽甘蓝,卷心菜,花椰菜,甘蓝,菠菜,和豆瓣。你并不需要完全切断这些食物从你的饮食,但要小心,不要超前精神a surpassing他们,尤其是生吃。请记住,烹调或蒸煮取消激活他们的大部分甲状腺减缓潜力。