For much of the last four months, Americans have been urged to limit their time outside the home and avoid non-essential outings to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. But after George Floyd’s murder sparked worldwide outrage about police brutality, people of all backgrounds took to the streets to stand up—and at press time, continue to stand up—against systemic racism. Still, the risk of COVID-19 continues, and it may take several more weeks to see the effects these protests have on coronavirus case numbers.
没有活动都100%无风险的,现在,尤其是当它涉及到被其他人包围。“Anytime a group of people gather in a setting where the intensity and duration of exposure is somewhat unpredictable, there is going to be some risk,” says Nasia Safdar, M.D., medical director of infection control at University of Wisconsin Health in Madison, WI. “Having said that, you really have to weigh it against the importance of the protests.”
Ultimately, every individual will have to decide for themselves whether protesting is worth the risk of COVID-19 transmission. “Every protestor must consider both community and individual risk,” says Mitchell Li, M.D., emergency physician and Medical Director/Founder at Thrive Direct Care in Chicago. “Even the very young and otherwise healthy do run a risk of severe and deadly illness if they contract the virus. The risk is not zero.”
迄今为止的证据表明that outdoor transmission of COVID-19 is significantly less likely then indoor transmission, so that’s positive news for protestors. But if you’re chronic, or are living with a family member who is at high risk for serious illness, you may decide to contribute to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) cause in different ways: by donating money to bail funds and advocacy organizations, calling or emailing your political representatives, or sharing the cause with your family and friends.
This may be easier in some settings than others. For instance, if you’re participating in a protest in small-town Ohio, you’ll likely have an easier time staying away from people than if you’re gathering in the streets of Los Angeles. “The more organized a protest can be, the better it is for the attendees,” Dr. Safdar says. “It may not be possible to have six feet of social distancing at all times, but we know that even three feet is better than less than that.” Just because you can’t follow social distancing guidelines to a T doesn’t mean you should abandon them all together.
3. Wear a mask.
This may sound like a no-brainer, but we’ll say it anyway. Don’t attend a protest if you’re feeling ill in any way! “COVID-19可无症状传输,但如果你有症状,如发热,咳嗽,甚至胃肠道症状,请呆在家里和你的医生打电话,”李医生的欲望。萨夫达尔博士对此表示赞同。
“People who have symptoms would want to not participate in the protests,” she says. If someone near you at the protest is coughing loudly, or showing other obvious signs of illness, your best bet is to get as far away from them as you can.
5. Wash your protest clothes afterwards.
我们讨论这个我们guide to outdoor running during coronavirus,并建议可以很容易地在这里适用了。“洗手和您的运行[或其他户外活动]后立即改变你的衣服是个好主意,解释说:”史蒂芬E.梅耶,医学博士,在西北医学运动医学医师沃伦维尔,IL运行医学诊所。“我不觉得这是必然高风险,但常识的人都会表示,这样做是聪明的。”如果你觉得最舒服的洗你的衣服,只要你回来的房子,这是一个简单的步骤,你可以采取降低您的烦恼。
Once you’ve been to a protest (or multiple protests), it’s time to be on high alert for symptoms over the next two weeks. “One important thing is to self-monitor yourself for symptoms,” Dr. Safdar suggests. “That includes being really vigilant about even mild symptoms. For some of us, it might even mean taking our temperature twice a day, because a low-grade fever is often associated with COVID-19.” Even if you don’t feel sick, a temperature reading of 100.4 degrees or higher can be a sign of infection.
如果你想知道,“我应该得到测试对于COVID-19现在我已经去过了抗议?,” maybe not so fast. While it’s not inherently a bad idea to get tested, Dr. Safdar explains that it may not be immediately helpful. “If it’s negative, it doesn’t mean much, because you have 14 days after the protest to develop symptoms,” she says. “If it’s negative at one point in time, it doesn’t mean that the following day, for instance, you won’t develop symptoms and become positive.” If you feel sick, it’s worth getting tested, but otherwise you don’t need to rush to a clinic.
不要担心antibody tests目前。“抗体测试是非常有问题的解释,因为你不知道曝光发生时,”萨夫达尔博士说。这本来是抗议活动,它可能是在过去的一些其他的点,或者它可能只是一个假阳性的测试,这是一个错误,实际上并不意味着你被暴露。”即使你COVID-19耐抗体做试验阳性,疾控中心建议你继续保持同样的社会疏远的行为在你的日常生活。
8. Assume you have COVID-19 after protesting.
室内室外与COVID-19变速箱:medRxiv. (2020.) “Indoor transmission of SARS-CoV-2.”
CDC症状监测指南:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020.) “Suspected or Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in the Workplace.”
CDC Guidelines on Antibody Tests:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020.) “Interim Guidelines for COVID-19 Antibody Testing.”