任何事情了。我为什么要?我不喜欢他在乎我。我丈夫和我只是有一个关于我们的性生活的斗争。我性受挫,要求他求医。我相信他从PE遭受他不认为这是一个问题。经常耸肩而过笑而过,不承认我,当我试图谈论它。我感觉愤怒,感觉越来越遥远。他说,我不应该把它全部在他等他不觉得他需要看医生。他告诉我,一个人不应该问他们的合作伙伴。 That its not the end of the world??? That it shouldn't be THAT important. We've been together for about 2.5 years and married since last July. I thought it was just stress at first, with a new house, planning a wedding etc...but now there is no excuse. I feel if we don't get help soon we will be in trouble. I love him so much but frustrated that we cannot have a healthy sex life. I miss the closeness. I tried skipping foreplay and get right to intercourse but don't have time to even break a sweat. I know its not all about me here but if someone loves you so much to marry you i think you owe it to that person to at least talk to a doctor. I don't think its selfish. I just want to feel that connection again. I hope he does too. He does use hand stimulation but not all the time leaving me crying in bed, without even realizing that he is causing the way that I am feeling. He says he doesnt' intend to hurt me but I tell him that even though he doesn't intend to, that he is. He are planning to have a family soon but how can we? We don't have intercourse for more than 30 secs and at this point i need our relationship to get stronger before kids get into the mix. I don't want to feel resentful but I am heading in that direction. BTW We are both in our early 30s
不要放弃前戏。也许利用这个机会告诉他你对他有正面感觉,他的身体,甚至他的身体的各个部分。暂缓批评或判断自己的性能力,而是专注于自己喜欢的事。请记住,你在这名男子摆在首位嫁给他看见就好了。也许买了几个信息性书籍和在卧室里有这些左右。你可以利用这个机会来讨论一些技巧,说你想尝试,并在一些事情你都发现连笑什么 - 嗯,贻笑大方。