大约16年前,我还是个十几岁的少年,开始感到胸痛。我接受了治疗,甚至在某个点做了心电图,但什么也没发现,而且从那以后胸痛就断断续续了。关于six month ago,i woke up in the morning feeling like something was stuck in my throat and a crawling sensation in the head that preceeded the throat feeling.went to see the doctor who placed me on antibiotics and De -worming tablets but the feeling was still there,even after using the drugs and disappeared on his own after about 5 weeks while the head crawling sensation was still there and i was on amytriptilline for that.The throat feeling came back after another 4 weeks,lasted for another 3-4 weeks and disappeared,its been like that for about 4 times now but this time its taken a different dimension, the throat is now giving me an up and down movement/crawling sensation,slight chest pain as i feel the sensation.the sensation get worse when i lie on my back or hot water bottle is applied on my chest and i can feel my stomach ticking at intervals.i have taken CT Scan of the chest but nothing significant was found.please,what could be wrong with me because am worried