2011年,玛丽亚阿基诺 - 桁架的5岁的身体被痛苦的痛苦从青少年特发性关节炎(贾)痛苦,她向她的妈妈发出了那些八个字,其父亲最近通过了。今天,玛丽亚是一个蓬勃发展的高中新生,他喜欢跳舞,园艺和制作TIK TIK视频。她也几乎没有痛苦,致力于崇拜贾倡导其他孩子。她的主要信息给他们,其中一些人在她发出绝望的请求时提醒她自己:“总是希望和一个其他人在那里为你。你不是一个人。”
At the orthopedist’s suggestion, Tory made an appointment with a rheumatologist at Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital in September of 2011. “As soon as he saw her–her swollen hip, her limp, the inflammation visible on her scans–he knew what it was,” she says. The diagnosis: polyarticular spondyloarthropathy, a form of JIA that impacts the joints, ligaments, and other connective tissues. Her spinal curvature had resulted from severe inflammation and fluid build-up in Mariah’s right hip, which forced it to sit higher than the right.
在这一点上,疼痛阻止玛丽亚走了ing for three months; her mom would carry her or push her in a stroller. When driving, Mariah would ask her mom to avoid “Arthritis Hill”–a bumpy hill near their home–on particularly painful days. Then came the comment about joining Pappy in heaven, which sent Tory dashing into the bathroom where “I cried my eyeballs out. We have all these hopes and dreams for our kids, and then you get hit with a diagnosis like this and wonder, ‘What will it mean for her? Will my baby be in a wheelchair? Will she be able to get a job?’”
2012年,约有20个朋友和家人加入了玛丽亚步行治愈关节炎在团队名称玛丽亚的搬运工下。次年,玛丽亚首先参加了她National Juvenile Arthritis Conference。这是一个游戏更换者。“妈妈,有这么多的孩子就像我一样,”托里召回了她的说法。2016年夏天,贾坎普的社区感继续。
At one point, the Arthritis Foundation encouraged Mariah and her bestie big sister, Mauriauna, to hold an assembly for their middle school to educate students and teachers about JIA. “I felt pretty alone,” Mariah says. “Not a lot of people understood [my condition.] Sometimes I’d bring a walker to school to sit on, and people would ask me questions but not fully understand. I once asked a teacher if I could sit on it while everyone was standing or sitting on the floor. She told me, ‘You’re fine. If you sit down, I’ll need to send you to the nurse’s office.’ But I knew I didn’t need to go to the nurse’s office. So during the assembly, I explained, ‘I’m usually in pain, and you can’t see it.’”
A Second Autoimmune Diagnosis and a Disappointing Flare-up
In 2013, Mariah began experiencing stomach pains and nausea after eating. At first, she thought they might be a medication side effect but her rheumatologist ruled that out and sent her to a gastrointestinal doctor, who suggested going dairy-free. When that didn’t help, the doctor mentioned it could be Celiac disease, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the small intestine when foods containing gluten–primarily found in wheat, barley, and rye–are ingested. Based on her bloodwork, Mariah was diagnosed with Celiac and advised to go gluten-free.
It’s thought that about one in four patients with an autoimmune disease will develop an additional autoimmune disease. Tory says the new diagnosis felt defeating initially, and cutting out gluten was difficult for this pasta-loving Italian family. And Mariah experienced an arthritis flare when she first cut out gluten (Tory thinks it was related). But after three to six months, Mariah’s GI issues had abated.
2016年,玛丽亚,毛里圭野,保守党和保守党的妈妈,蒂娜阿基诺队正在参加一年一度的青少年关节炎会议,是他们最喜欢的一年中的活动之一。玛丽亚已经脱掉了5年的类固醇,表现不错。一天晚上,在与家人和朋友一起去吃饭,玛丽亚在她的脚踝中感到痛苦。踝关节痛苦并不一定是她的新现象 - “我偶尔已经过去了,但丁基莴苣含量很好,”她说 - 但这种痛苦似乎在一小时的时间里越来越大。几天后,玛丽亚和朋友们休假,但“很悲惨。我的脖子和肩膀在射箭期间受伤,然后我无法入睡,这对我来说通常是一个耀斑即将来临的标志。“
Today, Mariah (nickname: Ri-Ri, rhyming with “Eye-Eye”) is the typical teenager when it comes to lots of things: She’s into hip hop, musical theater, and social media, and will happily snooze past noon any chance she gets. Her pain is well-managed and while she still gets sore from time to time, “It’s not bad,” she says. Mariah also spends lots of time with Grandma Tina, a.k.a. Nunny.
然后有最好的朋友,她分享了那个房间的毛里亚纳。“我们是不可分割的,”玛丽亚说。他们一起唱一起,玩尤克里莱,绘画,并将Tik唱片和制作Tik Tok视频一起,互相偷走衣服(15,Mauriauna只有一年的岁月)。Big Sis还参加了众多贾议会,帮助筹款,甚至偶尔拍摄了她的小SIS射击。即使“我有时会感到遗漏,就像很多关注她,我现在不介意它。”,Mauriauna说。“我看到她与人分享她的故事。这是一个令人振奋的看见她生长了多少。“
至于保守党,这位专业的助听器钳工从未以为她有一天成为贾父的父母倡导者,但角色很适合她很好。早期,她发现她的内部妈妈熊在玛丽亚被不公平对待的情况下,就像那位拒绝让她在课堂上休息的老师一样。(“We had kind words with that teacher. I said, ‘I’m certain you forgot, I’m certain you didn’t mean anything by it, but this is how you made my child feel.”) And when she and Mariah are invited to speak on-camera for various news stations, her desire to educate the public shines through.
During a July 2017 Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month segment for CBS Pittsburgh, she managed to weave in several key talking points, including a succinct explanation of JIA (“[Mariah’s] immune system doesn’t know what to attack, so as opposed to attacking foreign invaders, it attacks her joints”); some surprising statistics (“Rheumatic diseases are more prevalent than muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and juvenile diabetes combined; there’s more than 300,000 kids in United States with arthritis”); and the important note that JA is “not the same as your grandpa’s arthritis,” meaning it’s not a gradual wearing out of one’s joints.
For now, much of Mariah’s family’s advocacy work is going virtual. Mariah’s Movers Carnival, the family’s annual fundraising carnival featuring kid-friendly activities like pony rides, bounce houses, arts and crafts, and live music, is on hold, but they were able to raise $4,000 in donations this summer through friends and family, bringing them to more than $30,000 in total over the years. (Other advocacy highlights have included being named the 2012 Pittsburgh Walk to Cure Arthritis youth honoree and the 2017 national Walk to Cure Arthritis youth honoree; Mariah has also traveled to Harrisburg, PA, and Washington, D.C., each year since 2015 to advocate for improved access to care for people with arthritis.) And they’ll keep plugging away, because Tory and Mariah both know all too well what it feels like to be “in that dark tunnel after a diagnosis, looking for the light. The pain is not going to last forever, and that’s what I tell other moms we meet through Mariah’s Facebook page and at JA conferences.”
诊断:Polyarticular spondylthropathy:关节炎基础。(2017)。“一个梦想成真 - 符合我们2017年的2017年全国青年纪念玛丽亚阿里诺·托斯。”Blog.arthritis.org/stactions-of-yes/mariah-aquino-truss-2017-walk-cure-arthritis-national-youth-honoree/#more-646
关于四名患者中的一个:马甸(布奇)。(2010)。“多重自身免疫综合征。”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc3150011/# :::text = another%20autoimmune%20disease.-,about%2025%20percent%20of%20patients%20with%20autoimmune%20diseases%20have%20a,zause%20分算盘%20百分之20免耕%20重量
关节炎基础文章。(2015). “A Family of Warriors: How Mariah Aquino-Truss and Her Family Fight JA.”Blog.arthritis.org/stations-of-yes/mariah-aquino-truss-juvenile-arthritis/
Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month Segment:CBS匹兹堡。(2017)。“7月是少年关节炎的认识月。”Youtube.com/watch?v=vcsnw7obyea.