Dream Big: Ease Itchy Skin With Meditation


byAmy Marturana Winderl Health Writer

欢迎回来!最后的一周,我们花了整整七天的时间进入日常冥想的凹槽,并学习如何在热烈的呼吸中坐着。我们为什么这样做?因为冥想(甚至只有几分钟)有助于我们放慢压力并减轻压力,这实际上可以帮助我们在慢性病中更好地生活(如牛皮癣)(单击返回到Week One用于底漆)。Reena Ruparelia和M.D. Evan Rieder又回来了,以帮助您开始自己的冥想之旅,以阻止压力 - 索尔病周期。

In her nearly 30 years of living with psoriasis, Ruparelia, of Toronto, Ontario, has learned a lot about playing the long game when it comes to managing this捕鱼大作战 that comes with itchy, sometimes painful skin lesions. And if you have psoriasis or really any chronic condition that requires lifelong management, you know there are times when you have to just sit and wait… for a symptom flare to resolve while doing your best to take care of yourself, for a new medication to start working. If any of this sounds familiar to you, then you’re already well on your way to becoming a meditation master.

Rieder博士是纽约市NYU Langone Health的皮肤病学助理教授,他是美国仅有的少数几位在精神病学和皮肤病学上获得董事会认证的医生之一。他认为正念锻炼的力量在自己的患者生活中。他说:“我向人们推荐很多事情,我认为很容易做到帮助调节压力水平并定期减少压力。”“ [管理压力]可以帮助调节牛皮癣,情绪和睡眠。”所有这些结合的东西都可以转化为您感觉更健康,皮肤看起来更清晰。


This week, add a few more minutes to your daily meditation session. Try to get to a total of five minutes if you can. It’s going to feel more difficult to sit with your thoughts for that extended time, so know that these benefits await you: a calmer mind and calmer skin. Keep your eye on the prize!

This Is Not a Competition

Ruparelia说,与攀登公司阶梯,抚养孩子或在体育馆中获得新的个人最好的不同,冥想并不是要实现最终目标。“这并不是要成为最好的,而是要学习如何坐下,当一个想法出现时,请回到您的呼吸中。而已;这里没有目标,”她说。不要误会我们的意思。可以实现减轻压力以改善疾病管理的目标。但是,如果我们在冥想的行为中归零该目标,则可能会产生相反的效果。“这将完全摆脱过程。这是关于在所有松脆的碎屑和泥泞的东西中前进的过程。” Ruparelia说。

That includes boredom. If you’re thinking, “But meditation is just so boring; I can’t sit still for that long!” that’s the point. “The feeling of boredom is good to come up,” Ruparelia says. Boredom means your thoughts are not wandering; it means you’re focused on the here and now, which, honestly, won’t feel all that exciting if you’re sitting and meditating.

Adjust Your Attitude

“One of the things that’s missed with meditation is the attitude,” Ruparelia says. The truth is, no one expects you to sit still for over five minutes and think of absolutely nothing other than your breath. Other thoughts will pop into your head. The key is to have an attitude of “nonjudgmental acceptance,” she says. The physical act of sitting and breathing intentionally will automatically calm your body, yes. But it takes a little more effort to develop a meditation practice—and use it as a legit tool to transform the way you think and feel. What helped Ruparelia was taking meditation one step further and using it to reframe her thoughts and how she felt about herself and her skin.


This mindset shift will help you start to relate to yourself with more kindness and compassion, Ruparelia says. “If I have an itch or pain, I notice it and then come back the next day and see if it's still there. I relate to my pain and think if it has to be looked at or if it’s temporary,” she says. “Overall, I’ve become a little more objective with my body sensations and health and wellness—rather than falling into a pity party, just recognize you’re struggling and think about what you need.”

This will also help you assess how your new mindfulness routine impacts your skin week over week. Realistically, you’re not going to notice changes overnight. But with a few weeks of regular meditation and its stress-relieving effects, you’ll likely see a difference in your flares. So, check in with your skin weekly and keep it as objective as you can. A few tools to try: Keep a journal and rank your skin itch on a scale of 1-10 each night or take daily selfies of the same patch of skin so that you can compare weekly.

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Meet Our Writer
Amy Marturana Winderl

Amy is a freelance journalist and certified personal trainer. She covers a wide range of health topics, including fitness, health conditions, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, and more. Her work has