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"You Were Probably SPMS From the Beginning"

In part two of our series "Letter to My Just-Diagnosed SPMS Self," writer Trevis Gleason goes back in time to the day he was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Trevis Gleason
Trevis Gleason Courtesy of subject
    Trevis Gleason

    Trevis Gleason


    Trevis L. Gleason is an award-winning author, chef and blogger who was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis in 2001. Gleason has been published in several international newspapers as well as research journals. An ambassador for both the National MS Society and MS Ireland, he lives and writes about living with MS in Seattle, Wash. and County Kerry Ireland with his wife Caryn and their Wheaten Terriers, Sadie and Maggie. His book, Chef Interrupted, is available on Amazon.