什么知道左侧d Ulcerative Colitis
If you’re familiar with the irritable bowel disease known as ulcerative colitis (UC), you probably know that it’s characterized by chronic inflammation of the rectum and large intestine (colon). People with UC are battling a number of unpleasant symptoms, including rectal bleeding, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Fun times! But despite what you may think, UC doesn’t always affect the entire colon. In certain cases, it can be restricted to specific areas.
这些亚型UC中的一种称为左侧溃疡性结肠炎。它从冒号的颠倒“u”形状中获得了名字。在腹部的右侧是被称为上升的结肠,因为消化的食物从小肠道升高。然后,横跨倒立的u,从右到左,是中间结肠(也称为横向冒号)。一旦到达身体的左侧,结肠就会向下弯曲 - 脾弯曲。当它向腹部左侧行驶到你的直肠上时,它被称为下降结肠。
“溃疡性结肠炎开始于直肠。If it goes beyond that—but not beyond the splenic flexure—that’s left-sided colitis,” says Berkeley Limketkai, M.D, Ph.D., an associate clinical professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles.
你可能永远不会听说过它,但“左侧溃疡性结肠炎不是罕见的,”利马妥凯博士说。“约34%的溃疡性结肠炎患者患有左侧结肠炎 - 这不是一个少数人。”有些研究表明,在生活中发展的人(通常是60岁或以上)更有可能与年轻人相比具有左侧结肠炎。虽然它与更通用的UC(也称为牡蛎或广泛的结肠炎)人群共同普遍,但左侧结肠炎可以拥有自己的(有趣!)副作用和症状。让我们仔细看看。
Left-Sided Colitis and Poop
How Serious Is Left-Sided Colitis?
It’s logical to reason that if your UC is restricted to just the left side, it’s probably not as severe as UC that affects your entire colon. Not true. It all depends on the degree of inflammation—not where the inflammation is located—as well as how well a person responds to medication.
“If a patient has refractory[unmanageable]left-sided colitis, they can be quite ill, with debilitating bloody diarrhea leading to anemia, malnutrition, and weight loss,” says Jeffry A. Katz, M.D., a professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, OH.
As with other forms of ulcerative colitis, left-sided colitis is most likely diagnosed by a colonoscopy. During this procedure, a thin, fiber-optic camera is inserted into the anus and threaded into the rectum and colon to capture images of the lining. “When performing a colonoscopy, sometimes it’s like someone drew a sharp line in the colon and the disease stops at that line and doesn't cross,” says Dr. Katz. In the case of left-sided colitis, the inflammation with redness and other irregularities in the gut’s lining are visible up to the splenic flexure (that “bend in the road”), but these signs disappear once the scope goes beyond that point. (If the inflammation in your colon continues after the splenic flexure, your doctor will make a diagnosis of pancolitis.)
Unfortunately, just because your left-sided colitis is contained to one area right now doesn’t mean things will stay this way. Left-sided colitis can progress to pancolitis, particularly if it’s not properly treated. “One of the biggest factors of progression is whether it was adequately controlled with medication,” says Dr. Limketkai, “If left-sided colitis is adequately controlled, then progression is less common.”
In other ways, treatment for left-sided UC, especially severe cases, is similar to those with severe pancolitis or extensive UC. If the case is moderate to severe, the big guns are used early and aggressively to get the inflammation under control, says Dr. Limketkai. These medications are referred to as biologics, drugs that target specific proteins in the body that are causing inflammation. Therapies include:
Entyvio (vedolizumab)
Another drug that may be used is Xeljanz (tofactinib), which acts differently by inhibiting an enzyme that activates the body’s immune response. “We don’t do this aggressive treatment for mild to moderate cases because it can be too much, says Dr. Limketkai.
“你可以为药物发育抗体,[使药物无效。]You don’t want to burn your bridge.” Still, between this option and a growing list of other therapies that have shown success, you’re bound to find a treatment that works for your left-sided UC.
治疗方案:Gut。(2019)。“British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults.”ePrints.gla.ac.uk/198140/1/198140.pdf.
治疗方案:BMJ.。(2019)。“Management of ulcerative colitis: summary of updated NICE guidance.”bmj.com/content/367/bmj.l5897
左侧UC有多常见:Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology。(2018)。“基于人口群体成人溃疡性结肠炎的自然历史:系统审查。”pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28625817/