These days, virtually everyone with hepatitis C can be effectively treated with one of the drugs available on the market. No longer solely the domain of specialists, there is a bigger push for primary care doctors and non-specialists to start prescribing meds to treat HCV to make it easier for patients to get help and expedite their ability to begin treatment. “There are an estimated 800,000 people in the U.S. that could be diagnosed but have not seen a specialist.” says Paul J Pockros, M.D., director of clinical research at Scripps Clinic in San Diego. “We’ve identified about only half the infections in the United States.”
Hep C Meds Expand Their Reach
Within the past year, several drugs have been approved to treat HCV in high-risk groups, says Dr. Pockros. In September 2019, the FDA approved the drug Mavyret for patients with or without cirrhosis (but not decompensated liver disease), for an abbreviated 8-week course of treatment. Two months later, the FDA approved the drug Epclusa to treat patients with end-stage renal failure. And in March 2020, Epclusa was also approved for use in children with hepatitis C who age 6 or older, or weigh more than 37 pounds.
What is means for you: If you are in a higher-risk population, or your HCV has advanced to the stage of liver damage, treatments that previously may not have been available to you are now an option—and the odds of them still working effectively is high.
As for where we stand on a vaccine, right now, there are three vaccines that have advanced beyond the laboratory and are being studied in humans. The furthest along, a collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and the United States National Institutes of Health, is slated to show results “in just a few months,” says Cox.
如果它的工作原理,或如果任何三个节目的承诺-这将是对那些治疗HEP C.因为虽然存在针对其他肝炎毒株,如甲型和乙型肝炎的疫苗,将C株是更复杂的一个巨大的进步。“其中一个和C型肝炎的挑战是它的全球多样性,”考克斯说,注意到有病毒的8种基因型,这意味着你要么需要多个排列的疫苗是有效的,或单一的疫苗需要接种对八种不同版本病毒的。
Focused on the Future
Although the hepatitis C vaccine pipeline is thin, Cox hasn’t given up hope that one day an effective vaccine can be given to all patients to protect them from this deadly virus. “An HCV vaccine would be a total game-changer for our public health response,” says Lauren Canary, director of the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, an advocacy organization in Washington, DC. “But as we have learned from our experience with the hepatitis B vaccine, which only has 25% uptake among adults in the U.S., we would still need to invest in public health programs to raise awareness and get the vaccine to those most at risk.”
In the meantime, if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with HCV, know that a robust treatment lineup can help you get healthy in a matter of weeks to months. Even if your condition has advanced to the stage of liver damage, you can regain much of your health simply by following the medication protocol outlined by your doctor. And the easiest way to avoid reinfection is to steer clear of the activities that likely caused the condition in the first place. That means no unprotected sex, and no recreational drug use with shared needles. HCV is one disease where you are truly in control of your destiny.
丙型肝炎Overview:Mayo Clinic. (n.d.) “Hepatitis C Causes and Symptoms.”mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hepatitis-c/symptoms-causes/syc-20354278
丙型肝炎和肝,肾损害:National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2020). “Hepatitis C.”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/liver-disease/viral-hepatitis/hepatitis-c
FDA和Mavyret批准:Food and Drug Administration. (2019). “FDA Approves Treatment for Adults and Children with All Genotypes of Hepatitis C and Compensated Cirrhosis that Shortens Duration of Treatment to Eight Weeks.”fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-treatment-adults-and-children-all-genotypes-hepatitis-c-and-compensated-cirrhosis
FDA和Epclusa批准:Gilead. (2020). “ U.S. Food And Drug Administration Approves Epclusa® (Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir) for Children Ages 6 and Older or Weighing at Least 17 kg with Chronic Hepatitis C Infection.”gilead.com/news-and-press/press-room/press-releases/2020/3/us-food-and-drug-administration-approves-epclusa-sofosbuvirvelpatasvir-for-children-ages-6-and-older-或称量-AT-至少-17公斤与 - 慢性-HEP