
医生告诉您跟踪饮食和运动以使您的健康和福祉受益 - 那么为什么也不保留性爱呢?

You might type与您的新嘘声一起去Sex City之后,为您的小组聊天提供了色情的图表。但是,您是否曾经为您写下有关性生活的详细信息?如果您患有慢性病,您可能需要。



一般而言,性日记是一种加深和更好地理解您与色情自我的联系的方法,性教育者Searah Deysach的所有者早床是芝加哥的一家愉悦产品公司,该公司在全球范围内运送。她说,这是一种治疗工具,旨在为您的做爱增添一定的正念魔术和ra谐的反思。

但是慢性的性日记isn’t just a sex diary kept by someone who just-so-happens to have a chronic condition. Usually, a chronic sex diary includes info about how the sexy session helped (or worsened) symptoms. Plus, things like when you took your meds, how you were feeling about your condition, and any therapies you’d recently used.

性教育家兼首席残疾官兼联合创始人安德鲁·古尔扎(Andrew Gurzabump’n,,,,a company that creates sex toys by disabled people for disabled people. In other words, if you're carrying around ideas about how sex “should” look or how your body “should” be able to move, jot that down. “If you have a chronic condition and disability, it’s common for sex-negative, ableist lingo and ideas to infiltrate your brain space and impact how you feel about yourself,” Gurza says. Naming when it happens can help you learn to better-control (read: halt) those thoughts.


A sexy diary can help anyone take their sex life from ‘woof’ to ‘wow’, according to Deysach. “By taking the time to reflect on your sexual experiences and what worked for you as well as your fantasies and desires, you can gain a broader understanding of what makes you tick,” she explains. That means you’ll have deeper understanding of your needs, and you will be able to more effectively communicate them to your lover and hopefully have a richer, fuller sex life, she says.

For people with chronic pain, however, keeping a sex diary offers several additional noteworthy benefits. Mainly: it can help reveal patterns between your condition (and condition management tools) and the pleasure (or lack thereof) of your play.


Tracking the ebbs and flows of your frick-fracking has the added benefit of showing progress over time, she says. “When a chronic pain problem is present, it can be a challenge to see the progress on a day-to-day basis,” she explains. But if you look at how you were four to six weeks (or months!) ago, and compare that to how you are today, you might be able to notice a decrease in the frequency of your primary complaint during pleasure time. “It can be hard for those with chronic conditions to see any progress unless their own words are staring back at them confirming it,” she says.





A diarycan成为一台老式纸质笔记本,但不一定是。无论您只是不喜欢将笔放在纸上,还是不喜欢演奏抄写员所需的精良运动技能,Gurza建议使用音频日记。有许多应用程序(例如JornifyandMurmur)给你一个specific“安全”(通常是密码保护)以记录您的亲密想法。



Your sex diary shouldn’t just be a place to log the juicy (and not-so-juicy!) details of intimate time with your partner. It should be where you reflect on your solo sex practice, too. “Recording your feelings about your solo sex time is just as important as your partnered sex,” says Deysach. During solo sex you don’t have to split your attention between yourself and your partner. That means you’re able to tune fully into your body more while you masturbate. “For many people, the insights gained from solo sessions are more insightful [than those gained from partnered sessions],” she says.


“You can write about more than just your most recent adventure,” says Deysach. In fact, doing so can help you learn more about relationship to sex, highlight any sex-negative conditioning you may have internalized, and help you spot any cultural narratives you may have internalized about the intersection of sex and pain.

To get you started, Deysach suggests the following prompts:

  • 我觉得最性感的是……

  • 当…

  • 当我…




  • 您一天中什么时候开始痛苦?疼痛开始时何时开始 - 如果它根本开始?

  • What sexual activities increased or decreased your pain, if any?

  • 与之后相比,您的性交前的痛苦如何?性爱后疼痛需要多长时间?

  • What positions, props, or techniques worked particularly well?

  • 您对慢性状况的感觉如何?您认为这受影响的比赛吗?

5. Detail Your Aftercare Practices





Did you know that there are a number of sex toys and positioning tools on the market designed specifically with people with chronic conditions in mind? Yep!



无论您使用哪种特定的性玩具,Gurza Suggets写了如何使用它们。您可能会回答的问题:

  • 我是否将这个玩具与任何润滑油,唤醒油或栓剂一起使用?我是否使用任何舒适的愉悦辅助工具或摄入的摄入剂,例如THC软糖或CBD栓剂?

  • What pattern and setting(s) did I enjoy? Which did I not enjoy?

  • 我到底是如何定位玩具的?我如何保持其位置?

  • 一般来说,这一天我的痛苦如何影响我使用玩具的能力?



也许您和您的伴侣安排每周或每月的亲密关系。也许您选择在服药时计划自己的劳动。无论如何,如果您提前知道您要攻入内心的性上帝(dess)时,Gurza建议将其放入您的性日记中。能够看到您何时进行性爱会有助于增加会议本身的乐趣。古尔扎说:“ [它]给了我一些期待的东西,并让我期待着乐趣的来临。”





确实,慢性性乳制品可以带来好处。但是,根据Jeffcoat性和痛苦期刊的说法,日记对所有人都不是有益的。她说:“在使用这种做法时,有些患者过度关注他们的痛苦。”“他们最终坚持了消极的思想和结果,并掩盖了所取得的任何进展。”因此,如果您注意到这种做法正在使您在垃圾场中感到沮丧,并且notdown to get down, pause your practice, either temporarily or for good.

加布里埃尔·卡塞尔(Gabrielle Kassel)

加布里埃尔·卡塞尔(Gabrielle Kassel)(她/她)是一位性爱记者,他在酷儿,性健康和愉悦的交汇处写作。她的作品出现在出版物中形状,,,,大都会,好,好,Health