How Can You Lower a High Hemoglobin Level?

Too much of this protein can lead to health risks. Here’s how to lower hemoglobin when levels are too high.

Whether you’ve gottenyour hemoglobin tested as part of a routine physical or your doctor has ordered a test to try and diagnose a medical issue, you might wonder what exactly hemoglobin does—and what the results of the test mean.

血红蛋白是红细胞中富含铁的蛋白质,负责将氧气从肺部运输到人体其余部分,尤其是器官。根据医学博士芭芭拉·鲍尔(Barbara Bawer)a clinical assistant professor of family and community medicine at The Ohio State University in Columbus.

尽管这个过程至关重要,但可能会有太多的好事。Bawer博士说,当血红蛋白水平太高时,它可能会增加健康风险。最值得注意的是,高血红蛋白可能会提示血块发育这可能导致strokeor heart attack. Here's what you need to know about this essential protein, including strategies for lowering levels if they get too high.


为了获得血红蛋白水平,您的医生将订购血液检查测量血液中多少蛋白质。该测试不仅会显示出比正常水平高的水平,而且还可以检测到何时血红蛋白太低,这可能表明贫血—a condition suggesting the cells in your body aren't getting as much oxygen as they should.

这是一个被认为是normal range

  • Newborn: 14 to 24 grams per deciliter (g/dL)

  • Infant: 9.5 to 13 g/dL

  • 成年女性:12.1至15.1 g/dl

  • 成年男性:13.8至17.2 g/dl




例如,研究BMC Pulmonary Medicine发现在患有慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)和慢性肾脏疾病的人中,与没有血红蛋白高的疾病的人相比,血红蛋白水平高的患者的预后较差。

Symptoms of High Hemoglobin

Although you may have high hemoglobin with no symptoms at all, there are some common signs you might experience. Dr. Bawer says those include:

  • Dizziness

  • 容易瘀伤

  • 出汗过多

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • 无法解释的体重减轻

不幸的是,该列表可以应用于各种条件COVID-19to the flu to vitamin deficiencies. Even bruising is a common complaint;one estimate foundup to half of people surveyed said they bruised easily.

Causes of High Hemoglobin


  • 先天性心脏病

  • COPD

  • Emphysema

  • Kidney cancer

  • 肝癌

  • Polycythemia vera (a type of blood cancer)

  • Pulmonary fibrosis


  • 脱水

  • Living at high altitudes

  • 抽烟

  • Using performance-enhancing drugs like anabolic steroids

Bothsmoking and living at high altitudecause the body to increase red blood cell production to compensate for lower oxygen supply.

“最常见的是,高血红蛋白是人体对慢性吸烟或诸如睾丸激素或红细胞生成素的激素的异常反应,在红细胞的产生中起作用,”Dana Shani,医学博士,纽约市Lenox Hill医院的血液学家。“某些补充剂也可能导致虚假胆红素的虚假升高,因此在服用任何东西之前请咨询您的医生。”

How to Lower Hemoglobin Levels

If hemoglobin levels are elevated due to a chronic condition like COPD or heart disease, addressing that issue will be the first and most important step, says Dr. Bawer. Often, if a disease can be managed effectively, hemoglobin will lower as a result. There are also medications that can be effective, she adds. These include:

  • Busulfan

  • 羟基脲

  • 干扰素alpha

  • 鲁唑替尼


"Eating a diet low in iron-rich foods can help," says Dr. Bawer. "This means avoiding dark leafy greens, red meat, dried fruit, legumes, seafood, nuts and seeds, organ meats, and iron-fortified cereals." (Yes, this is counterintuitive, since many of these foods are staples of a healthy diet in those without high hemoglobin concerns.) Also helpful is to limit exposure to other sources of iron, such as iron cookware, or taking a multivitamin that includes iron.

Since dehydration is a potential cause, making sure to stay hydrated throughout the day can be another way to lower your levels.

Another strategy to get yourself on track while helping others is blood donation, says Dr. Shani. As long as you qualify for donation, this is the easiest and most common way to lower hemoglobin—and you'll be doing an important service for your community at the same time.



最有助于血红蛋白调节的是什么(无论您处于高范围还是低范围)是采用健康的生活方式,包括避免烟草,定期锻炼, and eating nutritious foods, says Dr. Bawer. Also crucial is staying on track with regular checkups.

"Most likely, you'll have a hemoglobin test as part of diagnosing another condition or if you have symptoms, but it is valuable to get a full blood panel as part of staying on top of your health," Dr. Bawer adds.


Blood Test:National Library of Medicine. (2022.) "Hemoglobin Test."

Hemoglobin Ranges:Mount Sinai. (2022.) "Hemoglobin."

Complications:BMC Pulmonary Medicine。(2019年。)“高血红蛋白与慢性阻塞性肺部疾病和慢性肾脏疾病患者的院内死亡增加有关:基于多中心人群的回顾性研究。”

Bruising:UpToDate. (2022.) "Easy bruising."

原因:Mayo Clinic. (2022.) "High hemoglobin count: Causes."

Meet Our Writer
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)is a freelance journalist specializing in health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Her articles have appeared in SELF, Men’s Health, CNN, MyFitnessPal, and WebMD, and she has worked on patient education