“One of our biggest sources of comfort are our loved ones. Because of the pandemic, there will be fewer in-person get-togethers,” says Stewart Shankman, Ph.D., chief of psychology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. “This disruption can lead to feelings of loneliness.” And according to recent U.S. Census Bureau data, a third of Americans are showing signs of clinical anxiety and depression.
With all these challenges, you may be looking for ways to make the most of it. Click through for expert tips on staying healthy and joyful this holiday season.
1. Keep Some of Your Holiday Routines
“如果你经常与某些人一起在圣诞节前进,仍然尝试在缩放上,”Shankman说。“如果您定期为多个家庭制作Hanukkah Latkes,请与同一家庭进行”Latke制作“竞争,然后通过缩放判断它们。是创意!“
“寻找一个新的假期传统,在您自己的家庭和社区中实现,将为您的生活带来一些意义或目的,”泰勒尼斯销售,Ph.D.,Phantions Academy,Wi上瘾学院的心理治疗师和脑卫生专家说。“这可能是志愿服务或向有需要的家庭提供礼品。它也可能是更简单的,如烹饪或烘焙新的食谱,你每年都可以继续做。给自己一个社区感和目的非常适合你的大脑化学。它将释放有奖励途径的多巴胺和发信号通知A,“是的,让我们再次”回应“。
“Our brains are built primarily to move our bodies, so the easiest way to influence things in our minds is to do something physical,” says Daniel Fulham O'Neill, M.D., sport psychologist and orthopedic surgeon at The Alpine Clinic in Littleton, NH. “After that cup of tea or coffee, get outdoors for a brisk walk, run, bike ride, or swim. Before supper, get out again throwing in some planks, sit ups, push-ups, skiing, golfing, kayaking, or surfing.” Activity unlocks the brain chemicals that make you feel better, that make you happier, and that connect your body to your mind.
“当我们加强意识时,我们更能够以健康的方式管理我们的情绪,”威斯康星大学 - 麦迪逊健康思想中心的首席沉思官员Cortland Dahl,Ph.D。“结果,我们在驾驶员的座位上而不是我们运行展会的自动反应。”如果你一直在考虑假期,没有你的家人,那就停下来呼吸。尝试关注一个物体,就像你早上的咖啡杯一样。或当你感到不知所措时,或调整你的呼吸。
达尔博士recommends this10分钟的坐冥想as a great way to find calm in the midst of chaos.
5. Create a Gratitude List
A little obvious? Yeah. But taking time to consider the things you are thankful for is still a powerful exercise. “This can be anything—your health, your family,” says Sherry Benton, Ph.D., psychologist and founder and chief science officer ofTAO Connectin St. Petersburg, FL. “The act of practicing gratitude has been shown to increase happiness and reduce depression.”
“听听音乐 - 但不仅仅是任何音乐,令人兴奋的音乐,奥尼尔博士说。“这是如何:响亮的方式。站起来,跳舞,摇摆,唱歌,播放空气吉他。闭上眼睛强调你的其他感官。“这是释放那些阳性脑激素的原因,增加了奥尼尔博士。一些保证在你的脸上露出笑容的一些艺术家:Curtis Mayfield,Aretha Franklin,Marvin Gaye,arias by pantatti和Maria Callas,以及yo yo ma的任何事情。
9. Get Consistent Sleep
“Even though the days are getting shorter, try and go to sleep and wake up at the same time to maintain good ‘sleep hygiene’,” says Shankman. Researchers have found that prioritizing your pillow and getting more sleep is linked to overall happiness. In one study of 10,000 adults, people with insomnia were five times more likely to developdepression。
“When we are stuck in our emotional minds, things can snowball and feel much worse. The key to getting out of our emotional minds is to engage our logical mind,” says Sell. “For instance, when you are feeling sad and grief-stricken, take a minute to find the logic in the situation. It's like a fact-finding mission.”
Here’s an example.
“When your brain is giving you thoughts such as, ‘I’m miserable because I can’t see my parents this year... ,‘ replace it with, ‘I choose not to see my parents this year because seeing them could be dangerous for everyone,’” says Sell. It’s a shift in perspective that can shift your emotions right along with it.
11. Express Your Appreciation for Others
“选择你欣赏的三个人won’t be able to see this holiday. Bring them to your mind as you are doing this. Write down five things that you appreciate about each person (think qualities, skills, acts of kindness they have done, etc.). Do this with mindful awareness,” says Dr. Dahl. “Write a note of appreciation via email, text or letter to one of the people, and notice how you feel as you do this.” You might consider sending the note of appreciation to each of them.
12. Practice Mindfulness Meditation
“I always recommendmindfulnessmeditation as a daily practice. Feelings of distress and anxiety can be overwhelming,” says Benton. “These practices only take a few minutes a day and can help reduce stress and make you feel energized andrefreshed。”
13. Spend Time With Animals
“Your local humane society would also welcome your holiday time and love, especially as the folks who work there might be looking for family time off,” says Dr. O’Neill. “Take a dog for a walk, pet a kitty, brush a horse.” And you’d not only be a gift to those fur babies—just being in the presence of animals will surely uplift you, too. “Charity given to any creature has been shown in study after study to raise our own spirits,” says Dr. O’Neill.
14. Write Down Why the Holidays Matter
“We need to stay connected to our values and principles amidst the ups and downs of everyday life,” says Dahl. “Can you spend some time writing down why the holidays matter to you?” But don’t stop there; Write down why that’s important to you. “Just keep going until you arrive at a clear sense of purpose that highlights a value or motivation that truly nourishes you,” says Dahl. For example: I love spending time with my family during the holidays because we laugh so much. It’s the place I feel comfortable being myself and I miss that. Is there something I can do to still feel this on that day?
“Physically smiling engages multiple muscles in your face which tells your brain that you are happy, that things are going well. This is perhaps a great ruse we have kept through evolution, but so what,” says Dr. O’Neill. “By smiling, whether you are feeling it or faking it, you release endorphins and other wonderful brain chemicals.” Additionally, anyone who sees you—whether via Zoom or otherwise—will be contaminated by your joyful appearance and have the urge to smile, too.
患有抑郁症的美国人:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; U.S. Census Bureau. “Anxiety and Depression.”cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/pulse/mental-health.htm.
Insomnia and Depression:Sleep。(2007). “Chronic Insomnia as a Risk Factor for Developing Anxiety and Depression.”Academy.oup.com/sleep?pid=26880
Meditation and Stress:Mayo Clinic. “Meditation: A simple, fast way to reduce stress.”mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditiation/in-depth/meditiation/art-20045858.