By now, you’ve probably heard that posting your butt up in a chair for nine hours straight isn’t the best thing for your health. Yet, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average U.S. worker spends 39% of their workday sitting (that number jumps to 90% if you’re a software engineer!).
问题是,长时间坐着与慢性疾病(如2型糖尿病,心血管疾病,甚至早死亡)有关。一项2018年的研究AANS Neurosurgeon发现整天坐着可以改变与记忆形成相关的大脑部分。2020年6月的新研究JAMA Oncology伴侣久坐的行为与癌症死亡率:即使您坐着的时候,即使是30分钟的运动,癌症死亡的可能性也会降低31%。
One easy way to change your habits is to incorporate more casual movement throughout your day. This doesn’t have to mean scheduling in a traditional workout (although if you want to go for a run, do it!). “If we consider movement as something that happens throughout the day, we can be more intentional in getting more steps in, being more active, or creating a more specific goal for ourselves,” says Anthony J. Wall, director of Strategic Partnerships for the American Council on Exercise in San Diego. Here are some ideas for how to move more all day long.
The easiest way to incorporate movement into your desk job life is to take regular breaks to get up from your chair. Donna Arnett, PhD, dean of the University of Kentucky College of Public Health in Lexington and former president of the American Heart Association, suggests switching up activities for a brain boost and fun respite.
2. Switch rooms between meetings.
Another strategy is to switch up your home office (if you’re WFH during this quarantine spell). Arnett suggests moving between rooms throughout the day, which may also help you escape your screaming kids if they’re stuck at home with you.
将一个室内空间指定为您的“会议室”,其中一个为“项目室”,一个是您的“头脑风暴室” - 您会得到照片。P.S.研究表明,散步可以实时提高创造性的大脑力量,因此您可能会在移动时提出下一个绝妙的主意。
Love getting fresh air in the early morning or during your lunch break? Rather than one quick jaunt around the block, make it two or even three, if you can swing it. You’ll get double or triple the steps in, plus more time to enjoy the sunshine and breeze.
5. Park farther away when running errands.
Making a grocery run after work? Rather than circling around waiting for the best possible parking space, make a commitment to park a little farther away. Wall calls this “incidental activity”—an activity that is not planned or structured but that helps you move your body a bit more.
You may have to walk a little longer to get into the store, but you’re also help counteract the sitting you did on the drive over.
6. Don’t try to carry everything at once.
Once you’ve made it back from that grocery trip, don’t carry all the bags inside in one fell swoop. Instead, Wall suggests making multiple trips back and forth to the car. “The key to getting simple movement throughout the day is thinking about opportunities when you can move more, as opposed to our natural inclination of finding ways to move less,” he suggests.
When you’re setting the table for dinner, walk back and forth to set the silverware rather than carrying it all at one time. Even those tiny adjustments can add up to many more steps over time!
如果您与其他重要的其他或孩子一起生活,那么他们可能是良好的问责伙伴,可以让您离开沙发并移动更多。“如果您有孩子,请选择一些活跃的玩具,供他们手头,例如跳绳或呼啦圈,” Arnett说。
If you’re living alone, this might be the excuse you’ve been waiting for to finally get a dog. “Having a pet is a great way to stay active,” she notes. “Taking them on walks or playing fetch inside are good for both you and your pet.” When your pup expects a walk three times per day, you’re obligated to prioritize that healthy routine, rain or shine.
8. Use your Netflix time creatively.
So, you want to binge the new season ofQueer Eye。如果我们告诉您,您还可以利用这段时间来适应锻炼?阿内特说:“与其坐在沙发上观看自己喜欢的节目,不如用这段时间添加一些腹部锻炼或俯卧撑。”
If you have a treadmill or stationary bike, move your legs while watching an episode or two. If you prefer to keep it chill, you can use this time to stretch your tight muscles. 2018 research in the生理学杂志发现即使对于无法完成定期运动的人们,每天的肌肉伸展也会增强血流。
的确,您能做的最好的事情是在整天移动方面有不同的思考。尽管许多人一直在寻找减少移动的方法 -我可以停车到商店有多近?我应该在院子里穿过快捷方式到达邮箱吗?–Wall suggests challenging yourself to do more activity every day. “Every opportunity probably has a way that we can move more, [but] as human beings our default mode is to try to move less,” he says.
即使厨房周围的额外圈子不会太多改变您的热量支出,但它确实有助于更加充满活力的心态。沃尔说:“即使是几分钟的活动也会改变我们长期坐着后的精神状态。”它可以增加动力并立即增强您的情绪 - 无需咖啡因。
沃尔敦促说:“移动更多,更少的坐是变得更加活跃的第一步。”“我们的生活方式从更加活跃和移动更多的一生中所带来的好处。”他不是在开玩笑 - 运动实际上可以帮助您更长的生活。好吧,谁准备快速跳舞?
Data on Sitting/Standing Jobs:Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2017.) “Standing or walking versus sitting on the job in 2016.” distan-or-walking-versus-sitting-on-the-job-in-2016.htm
坐姿和慢性病:Annals of Internal Medicine。(2015.) “Sedentary Time and Its Association With Risk for Disease Incidence, Mortality, and Hospitalization in Adults.”
坐着和认知能力下降:AANS Neurosurgeon。(2018年。)“坐着对您的大脑不利 - 不仅是您的新陈代谢或心脏。”
坐姿和癌症死亡率:JAMA Oncology。(2020年。)“久坐行为与中年和年龄较大的成年人的癌症死亡率有关。”
Walking and Creativity:实验心理学杂志:学习,记忆和认知。(2014年。)“给您的想法一些腿:行走对创造性思维的积极效果。”
运动和心理健康:The Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry。(2006年。)“心理健康运动。”