

经过Andrea Dawn Clark 卫生作家

欢迎回到大游泳,#chronicwarriors!现在是第2周,您已经在开放水中征服一英里的路上就开始了。上个星期, you checked in on your fitness level and dialed in your freestyle technique. Now, it’s time to start building your swim stamina with at least 10% more distance than you did before, while working in the prep and recovery that will keep you swimming for the long haul. “It’s not just about pushing your body to do hard things in the water, it’s also about sleeping more, stretching more, and rehabbing when you need it,” says Katie Pumphrey, an ultramarathon swimmer and swim coach.

您可以从Pumphrey拿走它:她不仅在开放水上获得了专业知识(提醒:这个女人在英国频道上游泳!她的获胜方法也是您也可以从中受益的方法 - 无论您正在处理纤维肌痛,关节的痛arthritis,或不适炎症性肠病

同时,位于纽约市切尔西·皮尔斯(Chelsea Piers)体育馆的Head Swim Pro教练迈克尔·萨巴拉(Michael Sabala)拥有正确的动作和训练目标,以帮助您迈向大目标。Sabala说:“通常,您必须在实现健身目标时愿意花多少分钟的时间来增加预算。”他指出,当您谈判慢性疼痛时,这会很棘手,因此请进行一些反复试验,以了解适合您的事情。他说:“如果可以的话,请不要放弃健身计划中已经拥有的东西。”无论是瑜伽课,还是Peloton的骑行,还是力量训练,“这些都是可以帮助您的巨大健康益处。”

How to decide the right balance to avoid a flare of fibromyalgia, or aggravating another condition underlying your chronic pain? “Monitor how you’re sleeping and how your heart rate is changing,” says Sabala. “If you’re not sleeping as soundly, if your休息心率太高了,或者如果疼痛和疼痛达到真正难以管理的水平,那么每个人的水平都会有所不同,这会归功于您的身体在告诉您的东西并休息一下。”




Use this week, and the fact that you know the length of your laps, to gauge your speed and also your stamina at varying levels of intensity. “In the following weeks, if you reach the side of the pool just a few seconds sooner, or you intensely swim 10 seconds longer, you’re making progress. That’s what we want to see,” says Sabala. During an open-water swim, both of our experts agreed that you’ll need to alternate from bursts of intense swimming to more relaxed swimming. “On my swims, I have a team in a boat near me telling me to pick up the pace or take a break,” says Pumphrey. “Swimming a mile in open water is a lot—even for the most experienced swimmer. You need to pace yourself and work in moments when you can catch your breath.”

The goal during this week is to feel how far you can push yourself in those intense swim moments, and how much relaxed time you need before you resume a more vigorous rate. “It’s not that you have to swim fast,” says Sabala, “but you need to get a sense of how fast you’re swimming for different amounts of time.”


“伸展绝对有助于我的痛苦,” Pumphrey说。“它松开了肌肉,使血液泛滥到整个身体。”进入游泳池之前,请尝试此15分钟的热身。每个运动都有助于伸展肌肉,并增加肩膀,臀部,胸部和腿部的柔韧性,从而使您更有效地在水中移动。从五分钟的轻快步行开始,然后进行以下练习:

  • 前臂木板(15至30秒)

  • 墙俯卧撑(3次)

  • 下蹲(8次)

  • Pilates roll-up to standing (2 reps)

  • 臂圈(6右臂向前,6个后背;左臂向前6,然后向后6个)

  • 小牛升高(15次)


  • Monday:时间你的圈。

    • 在游泳池中进行10分钟的热身,混合游泳,用踢脚板踢和休息。

    • 进行游泳池的“轻松游泳”(50或25码),并注意您的时间。休息5至10分钟(握住游泳池的侧面,将双腿晃动)。

    • 进行游泳池的“快速游泳”长度,并注意您的时间。休息5至10分钟。

    • Do a “relaxed kick” (using the board) length of the pool and note your time. Rest 5 to 10 minutes.

    • 进行游泳池的“快速踢”长度,并注意您的时间。
      (You’ll be checking the progress of these times in week 3.)

  • 周二:交替进行游泳强度。

    • 通过交替的游泳和踢脚来热身10至15分钟。根据需要休息。

    • 踢六个游泳池的长度:两个以轻松的速度;两个以中等的速度;两个以全面的速度。根据需要休息。

    • 游泳六个游泳池的长度:两个以轻松的速度;两个以中等的速度;两个以全面的速度。

  • 周三:休息。

  • Thursday:重复周二的锻炼

  • Friday:休息。

  • 周六:测试您的距离。

    • 在进入游泳池之前,请通过15分钟的有氧运动(例如中等节奏的步行)进行热身。替代1分钟的强烈游泳,有2分钟的休息或轻松游泳,五次。记下您在1分钟内达到的距离,因为您想在接下来的几周内跟踪进度。结束,在您的正面和背面进行轻松的游泳和踢脚15分钟。

  • 星期日:休息。


就像其他任何人一样,慢性疼痛的人在训练时会感到全身疼痛,这就是recovery进来。“当您专注于培训时,一切都必须共同努力 - 您必须吃得更好,并且必须睡得更多,” Pumphrey说。“睡眠是康复的最好的东西。当我训练时,我肯定会注意到睡眠的方式有所不同,这是一个更深,更明显的睡眠。”萨巴拉(Sabala)建议本月早些时候上床睡觉,并试图增加至少30分钟到一个小时的睡眠时间。研究支持他们的声音(睡眠)建议,表明quality sleepcan help buffer chronic pain and poorer sleep can exacerbate it.

An essential part of her training is working with a physical therapist whenever she can. “I love a deep-tissue massage,” says Pumphrey. But you don’t need to pay for in a PT session: Try using a foam roller to锻炼紧密的斑点。尽管关于您的纠结的熨烫有多么有益的判决,但最近的荟萃分析在泡沫滚动研究中,锻炼后滚动可能有助于恢复您的速度和力量。

Also key to keeping away aches: Walking it off after a good workout. “A lot of people have this tendency to think, ‘Oh, I swam a bunch. Now, I’m going to lounge a ton.’ But, moving helps recovery,” says Pumphrey. “If you’re completely stagnant after training, you’re going to feel stiff. Recovery means keeping that blood flow going.” Walk around your neighborhood. Practice a few yoga positions. “It’s whatever works easily for you and makes you feel great,” says Pumphrey. Her preferred post-pool recovery exercise? Walking her dogs, pit bull mixes Adja and Monty.


If you’ve been hitting the pool a lot, there’s a chance that the smell, feeling, and drying effects of-思考scaly skin甚至湿疹爆发- 开始打扰您。萨巴拉(Sabala)指出,大多数狂热的游泳者都指出,在游泳池后进行一次微观汗水,以帮助从毛孔中冲洗一些氯。萨巴拉说:“游泳后,如果可以的话,骑自行车,跑步机或楼梯登山者五分钟并打破汗水。”“一旦您开始出汗,就完成了。我认识的每个游泳者都会发誓。之后,补水,淋浴和洗发水。”







Resting Heart Rate:梅奥诊所。(n.d。)“什么是正常的休息心率?”https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/heart-rate/faq-20057979


泡沫滚动:Frontiers in Physiology。(2019年。)“对泡沫滚动对性能和恢复的影响的荟萃分析。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6465761/




神经心理药理学:自然。(2019.) “Sleep deficiency and chronic pain: potential underlying mechanisms and clinical implications.”https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-019-0439-z


Andrea Dawn Clark

Andrea Dawn Clark是纽约市城市大学约翰·杰伊学院(CUNY)的约翰·杰伊学院的编辑总监。她拥有超过20年的专业出版经验,在众多消费杂志上担任执行编辑