

经过Lisa M. Basile Health Writer

生活压力很大。There’s no denying it (and no way around it, either). But we can try to battle back against its negative effects on our minds and bodies. One way you can tackle stress is by laughing at it—yep, literally chortling at the very situations, people, and events that so often up your ire (and even your heart rate). For the next month, we’re going to explore ways to turn all that stress and worry into an opportunity to find deeper joy (and, hopefully, a few really great giggles along the way).


第1周: Prioritize Joy

The science:似乎压力纯粹是心理的,但也影响了整个身体。当您面临慢性压力源(例如有毒工作场所或经济困难)时,压力可能会造成巨大损失。发表在statpearlsshows that stress can lead to an overproduction in the hormone cortisol, leading to anything from an increase in blood pressure and inflammation to insulin resistance and gastrointestinal issues. Not good.

周一搬家:根据钦奈Kamakshi纪念医院的常驻医生MBBS Jaydeep Tripathy的说法,为您带来欢乐的事情对于降低压力水平至关重要。他说:“享受下班休息的日子,或者花时间做自己的爱好。”


计划:With work, family, and life’s demands, it’s easy to let yourself fall through the cracks. This week look at your schedule and pencil in some time for some fun stress-relief. Literally, put it in your calendar. And that can mean anything that brings a smile to your face, from 30 minutes of goofy dancing to joining a virtual game night once weekly.

最重要的提示:Don’t be afraid to say no to things that don’t bring you joy. If you need to prioritize yourself right now, do it. “You need to reward yourself every now and then,” Dr. Tripathy says. “Set your boundaries and limits so you can take care of yourself, too.” If that means skipping the housework this week to see a local stand-up comedy show, so be it!



The science:科学告诉我们,花时间在一起,也许与我们最喜欢的人一起笑 - 对我们有好处,especially当我们感到压力时。实际上,我们的压力水平与我们拥有多少社会联系之间存在明确的联系。根据发表在Acta Biomedica,心理压力不仅与诸如心脏病和高血压之类的慢性疾病有关,而且还可以与孤独感有关。

So, people need people. Here’s why: Your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, or HPA axis, is largely responsible for interpreting stressful experiences. Because humans are social creatures, the HPA axis actually sees social isolation as a threat. In short, it’s important to have a shoulder to lean on—especially when you’re going through tough or stressful times.

周日搬家:现在,您已经腾出了空间来优先考虑欢乐,现在该开始优先考虑陪伴。根据社会心理学家,教育家和演讲者的Kinga Mnich博士的说法,情感具有感染力,especially积极的。“尝试与乐观的人在一起。她说:“这也不一定是您已经认识的人。”“陷入寻找新朋友的不适;您永远不会知道在具有相同兴趣,同样痛苦和相同力量的人中会发现多少快乐。”随着时间的流逝,人际关系可以帮助您降低压力水平并提高应对能力。

计划:与朋友或家人约会,他们会给您带来微笑。观看喜剧节目,加入志愿者团体或参加乐观的运动课,并让良好的共鸣。一个警告:MNICH强调,与他人一起笑和玩乐与抱怨生活压力源,例如,喝酒,在一个大声的酒吧里,请注意您的活动your company. Alcohol and negative chit-chat can have a negative effect on your stress levels (bummer,我们知道!)。还没有准备好参加IRL聚会吗?姆尼奇说,数字聚会也可能会有所帮助:“寻找一个在线开会并分享一周中的亮点和低点的小组可能是减轻压力的好方法。”




The science:他们说笑声是最好的药,这是有充分理由的。研究摘要发表在PloS One发现笑声具有缓冲的效果,而且您​​的大声笑越多,发生压力事件后您会反弹的可能性越大。而且,发表在Psychological Science发现公正smiling单独可以降低压力水平。

周日搬家:“Laughing has a similar effect to antidepressants,” says Kinga Mnich, PhD, a social psychologist, educator, and speaker in Lexington, KY. “This is because you are releasing serotonin, which is a mood stabilizer that makes you feel happy and content.” The goal this week is to make space for more laughter in your life. Where can you lighten up and laugh a little more?

计划:每天花几分钟沉浸在笑声中 - 今天开始。在您最喜欢的Netflix站立特惠中的铅笔,90年代情景喜剧或热闹的经典(比佛利山庄警察仍然被杀死)并在漫长的一天后笑了起来。(如果您和朋友在一起,奖励积分!)

“Watching comedy can function as a stress-releaser because you produce serotonin while laughing,” Dr. Mnich explains. “And laughing in company is far more effective than laughing alone. You actually laugh more when laughing together.”

Dr. Mnich also suggests trying a笑瑜伽课。是的,您听说了。在110多个国家 /地区发现了“笑声俱乐部”,该组织笑瑜伽大学提供免费的在线笑瑜伽课。它是如何工作的?首先,没有真正的瑜伽。基本上,“你坐在圈子里。一个人开始笑,因为观看如此幽默,人们开始大笑。如果您旁边的一个人表达了一种情感,那么您也开始感觉到。” Mnich博士说。

最重要的提示:在工作中度过艰难的一天,还是想停止重播您的烦恼?掏出手机,笑出来。“即使您独自一人,您也可以在互联网上访问数百万个有趣的[视频],因此,如果您想快速摆脱压力,请前往您喜欢的应用程序并搜索您的有趣类型。Jaydeep Tripathy,MBBS,MBA-MPH,钦奈的Kamakshi纪念医院的董事会认证的初级保健医生和居民医生。


第4周: Lighten Up!

The science:Ever feel like the whole world is collapsing when you’re stressed out? You’re not alone. This is where positive thinking and a good ole’ sense of humor comes in. According to the梅奥诊所,在艰难时期积极思考可以降低压力水平,改善心血管健康并提高免疫力。

周日搬家:本周,您将专注于在艰难的情况下寻找积极和幽默。社会心理学家,教育家和演讲者Kinga Mnich博士解释说,人们经常识别作为他们的情绪 - 可能导致进一步的压力。例如,如果您感到压力很大,您可能还会觉得自己虚弱或无法应付。“你不是你的情绪。你不是你的想法。这是如此重要。”她提醒我们所有人。

在一项发表的研究中心理学领域,,,,it was also found that having a sense of humor about stressful situations mitigated the effects of even profound stress, like COVID-19 related anxiety or the loss of a job. Beyond reframing, see if you can find any humor in a given situation. Let’s say you haven’t slept for days because of grief or anxiety and you broke down crying while ordering a dozen at Dunkin’ Donuts (hey, we all have our needs), you might find a way to giggle at how absurd it all was—even though it was really tough. Sometimes, we can find humor in the ridiculousness of even the most painful moments.

计划:This week’s plan is to catch yourself when you’re having stress-诱导负面的想法 - 然后重新构架。例如,而不是思考“我不知所措”,而是尝试思考,“我的盘子里有很多东西,我正在尽力而为。”如果您能在情况下找到幽默,并为此大笑,则加分。

如果这不起作用,请记住,您总是可以打电话给您的BFF(做一个奇特精确的吉尔伯特·戈弗里德(Gilbert Godfried)的人或重新观看大勒博夫斯基第六次。笑得很厉害,你的胃痛是最好的药。

最重要的提示:You won’t always be able to reframe a situation or find the humor during tough times—and that’s OK. Remember that every time you show up to your stress with a smile and a new perspective, you rewrite your response to it—and your body feels the positive effects. Over time, small changes lead to big progress. And, yes, you might even be able to laugh about it later on.

Lisa M. Basile

Lisa Marie Basile (she/her) is a health writer, chronic illness advocate, and author of a few books of poetry and nonfiction, including黑暗时代的轻魔。她的作品出现在The New York Times,,,,自己