
慢性背痛的妇女通常会被解雇,这些妇女经常被解雇。了解原因 - 以及该怎么办。

经过索尼娅·柯林斯 卫生作家




Until recently, doctors thought women rarely got AS. They believed that biological males were three times more likely to get the disease than females. Turns out, that’s simply not true. Newer research reveals that the actual difference in AS rates among men versus women is negligible—closer to 1:1,according to Arthritis Care and Research

If you’re a woman with chronic or debilitating back pain that fails to respond to all the obvious remedies, and if you just know something more serious is going on, how do you get past the “it’s all in your head” syndrome, where doctors dismiss your concerns or misdiagnose your symptoms—an experience that, according to research, happens to a whopping 40% of all women with AS?


相信女性并不常见(并且深深地根深蒂固),因为这种疾病在男女身体中的表现不同。男人更有可能在脊柱中融合两个或更多的椎骨,这被认为是AS的标志。另一方面,妇女通常会出现更多无关症状的症状,例如肠炎,又称炎症,肌腱和韧带附着在骨骼上。妇女还倾向于产生更多的背痛,疲劳和晨毒。与男性的背部相比,女性的背痛通常是在上下后背部的,这可能是在下背部。当医生使用X射线评估AS的损害时女性的图像往往比男性表现出更少的疾病进展, 根据Current Rheumatology Reports

由于这些差异,并且由于男性的症状长期以来一直被认为是常态研究表明,诊断可能需要大约两年的女性才能花费大约两年的时间than it does her male counterpart. During that journey, she may put a lot of time and energy into convincing doctors that there’s actually something wrong with her. In fact, if she’s like most women seeking a diagnosis of AS, research shows that she is two to three times more likely than a man to be misdiagnosed with other health problems, including fibromyalgia and—get this—psychosomatic disorders.

For these reasons, by the time a woman typically starts treatment for AS, her disease is often more advanced and has done more damage to her body than a man with a new AS diagnosis—and the harm done is not just to her spine.

“诊断的延迟与心理困扰有关”ANCA Askanase,医学博士说,,,,a rheumatologist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City. “Having to fight to be believed and feeling dismissed by health care professionals results in depression and anxiety. Earlier diagnosis can improve care, and early treatment with effective drugs can improve symptoms and health-related quality of life.”



这意味着许多医生在医学培训中学习了如何根据男性常见的症状来识别广泛的慢性疾病。实际上,男性的症状通常被认为是疾病的“经典”症状,而女性则可以归类为“非典型”。According to the book Gender Perspectives in Medicine,妇女在多达700种不同的情况下可能被诊断出来。




Whether you’ve been diagnosed with AS after months or years of trying to find a doctor who listened to you, or you’re still dealing with AS-like pain but haven’t been officially diagnosed, know that you are not alone, and you’re not wrong to feel dismissed. “Women’s health concerns are continually blamed on stress, hormones, and even [their] imaginations,” Dr. Askanase confirms.

Here’s some advice from patients, providers, and advocates on how to get the help you need if someone tells you, “It’s all in your head.”

保留出色的记录。触手可及的所有测试结果,图像和其他病历。在与新医生的约会中露面,并没有等待医生要求他们要求,宾夕法尼亚州费城的医生Marta Becker和M.D.日记我的健康,一个可帮助用户跟踪健康信息的应用程序。


Having your records, images, and test results ready before you’re asked for them may not only save the time it would take for your last doctor to send them to the current one, but it can also save your new doctor from re-ordering tests you’ve already taken, saving you from getting those tests again.

跟踪症状。你可以帮助医生很多if you keep meticulous track of your AS symptoms. Logging everything in real time helps because your doctor might pick up patterns or notice worrisome signs that you possibly ignored, or even assumed were benign.


  • 你感觉怎么样?

  • Where in your body is the pain/discomfort?

  • 你什么时候感觉到的?

  • 有多严重?

  • 它持续多长时间?

  • Does movement help or make it worse?

  • 症状爆发时发生了什么?你有月经吗?

  • 你那天吃了什么?

  • 你锻炼了吗?

  • 你怎么睡觉?

  • 天气怎么样?

然后写下来。“您的医生和其他医疗保健提供者是侦探,您可以给他们的线索越多,” Journal My Health的创始人兼首席执行官Tracey Welson-Rossman说。韦尔森·罗斯曼(Welson-Rossman)在诊断出反射性交感神经营养不良综合征和胸腔出口综合症之前,患有15年的慢性疼痛,并有适当的护理来控制自己的症状。她于2021年启动了自己的应用程序,以帮助其他患者避免该问题。


Other apps track symptoms, too. A few of them include:flaredown,,,,Symple,,,,andCareClinic。When you choose a symptom-tracking app, you want to make sure that it protects your private data and all sensitive health information while making it easy to share that info with your providers. You may have to read a lot of fine print to figure out what an app does with your information and how your privacy is protected. Before blindly clicking “I accept” on the terms and conditions, read it (or at least scan it) for details on how the app uses and guards your health info.


If you get the unmistakable message that the doctor thinks your AS symptoms (including all-over body pain that you just can’t shake) are just a figment of your imagination, it’s time to move on. “Find someone who will listen to you,” says Dr. Becker. We know—that means其他医生,其他一组形式,其他afternoon of missed work. But this is your health—so prioritize yourself, she adds.


最后,提醒自己:即使是最有爱心,直觉,善解人意的医生也可能不知道发生了什么。强直性脊柱炎是臭名昭著的诊断疾病。Be collaborative and flexible and understand that it may take some time to solve your problem. So don’t give up.


强硬性脊椎炎和性别差异:Current Rheumatology Reports。(2018年。)“轴向脊椎关节炎的性别差异:女性不是那么幸运。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc5949138/

Chronic Diseases in Women:全国州议会会议。(2015年。)“改善妇女健康,国家政策选择。”https://www.ncsl.org/portals/1/documents/health/whchecklist12-15.pdf

Autoimmune Diseases in Women:新兴的传染病。(2004.) “Women and Autoimmune Disease.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3328995/

Long COVID in Women:Clinical Microbiology and Infection。(2021年。)“女性与长期共同综合征:一项前瞻性队列研究有关。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34763058/


索尼娅·柯林斯is an Atlanta-based independent journalist and editor. She covers health, medicine and scientific research, with a special emphasis on genetics and personalized medicine. Sonya is a regular contributor to *WebMD