It seemed like the perfect morning. The weather was beautiful as I walked home from the gym. I had just completed an intense workout and felt amazing. As the endorphins rushed through me, I walked with a feeling of confidence.
On one hand, I was feeling uplifted, motivated, and excited for the day ahead. At the same time, I felt profound sadness. Like the undertow of a river’s current, the feeling was buried so deep in me that I almost didn’t notice it.
As I continued walking, I realized that going to therapy has been paying off. Through my sessions with my therapist, I am learning better coping strategies to get through life. One of the strategies that I am learning to embrace is accepting that conflicting thoughts and feelings can coexist.
就在那一刻,我意识到我high self-esteem, even as I simultaneously battle depression. This realization felt very liberating for me.
As I began to explore more, I learned that there is a difference between low self-esteem and depression. Although there are some similarities, they aren't the same thing. Both, however, can coexist.
Understanding that conflicting thoughts and feelings can coexist is crucial to recovery.
“Low self-esteem is characterized by beliefs of oneself as inadequate, incompetent, unworthy, and unlovable. It comes from the way we interpret others’ dysfunctional behaviors toward us and is the result of situations that involve abandonment, continued criticism, neglect, and abuse.
Hallmarks of low self-esteem are confusion regarding who to trust, low self-confidence, unhelpful self-talk, self-criticism, rigid thinking style, self-invalidation, and vulnerability to perfectionism, addictive behaviors, and depression,” according to Elizabeth Fessenden, M.A., LMHC, Director of Dialectical Behavior Therapy Services at马萨诸塞州中部,公司的桥梁
Figuring it out
首先,它寻求的帮助是非常重要的licensed mental health professional。Next, here are some steps from my lived experience that I would suggest:
- Check in with yourself and see how you are feeling.Ask yourself how you are feeling and listen for an answer.It's that simple.
- Learn more about self-esteem and depression.(see the resources below).
- Do your best to identify which one is causing you the most trouble.你可能会感到不知所措和困惑。It’s all a part of the process.
- 制定一个计划来进行这项工作。每天做改善一件小事。
- 是持久的。You will experience setbacks and frustration. Keep moving forward no matter what.
当你开始工作,在这些领域之一,你也将有利于其他。正如你看到的改进,但是,你要想办法在两个工作**是非常重要的。**至于我自己,我通过我的自尊工作自言自语, exercise, and keeping commitments to myself. At the same time, my depression gets better as I continue to go to therapy and attend支持团体。Even though they are two different things, they have an effect on each other.
“While low self-esteem and depression are not the same, they are very much related and affect one another. The thought process involved with both includes themes of worthlessness, guilt, and self-judgment. Those with low self-esteem are much more likely to struggle with symptoms of depression. Additionally, depression can also lead to feelings of insecurity, self-hate, and lack of self-confidence,”says Fessenden.
“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.”
Anthony J. D'Angelo
What’s the next step that you will take?
迈克一条最is one of America’s leadingmental health awareness speakers, HealthCentral’s newest社会形象大使, and a high energycorporate drumming event facilitator。他提供教育,参与,和娱乐演示给世界各地的会议和研讨会。了解更多信息并与麦克连接处。