
碎Masculinity and the Agony of Depression

    Mike Veny

    Mike Veny


    心理健康扬声器and best-selling author Mike Veny delivers engaging presentations with raw energy and a fresh perspective on diversity and inclusion. He shares how he went from struggling with mental health challenges to being a thought leader that travels the globe telling his story to help transform stigma. He is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, corporate drumming event facilitator, author, and luggage enthusiast. Seriously, you’d completely get it if you did all the traveling he did! Mike is the author of the book转型污名:如何成为一个精神健康的超级英雄。作为2017年PM360精英奖得主,他是公认的最有影响力100人在医疗行业,他作为一个病人倡导工作之一。