人们可以有卡路里收支差额问题的一些简单的数学更清晰的画面。体内脂肪一磅等于3500个卡路里。换句话说,如果过了一段时间,有人有过量摄入3500卡更比燃烧,身体脂肪英镑将获得。同样,如果一个燃烧3500卡以上的超过给定的时间内发生,体内脂肪一磅将会丢失。好消息是,人们自然有一个良好的开端对于燃烧卡路里。人体每天会燃烧卡路里roughly1200,仅仅通过现有的和执行上日常生活的日常活动。再加上一些步行,跑步上楼梯,搭乘公交车,洗衣服等,这是不难理解2000卡路里的燃烧day-没有exercise-这是一个好消息。现在,坏新闻 - 大多数非节食美国人将某处每天消耗的热量3000-3500之间。不幸的是,很多人会很好吃不止于此。数学? 3500 calories minus 2000 calories burned leaves us with a net positive calorie balance of 1500 calories. Now, most of us will not put all those extra calories right on our mid sections or thighs. Some of us will eat less, work harder, and burn more than 1200 calories at baseline. However, it is easy to see how quickly the positive calories can add up. The other piece of sobering news- the exercise you do doesn't burn as many calories as you think. For instance, running, walking or jogging a mile burns up the same amount of calories- 100. Whether you run the mile in an Olympic 4 minutes or walk it in 20, 100 calories is all you get. In other words, if you jog 3 miles 3 times per week, you'll burn an extra 900 calories. Assuming your caloric intake doesn't change, you'll lose approximately a pound a month. Pretty slow, huh? The worst part is that many people will miss workouts routinely, and start to sneak an extra snack here and there to "reward" themselves for their exercise routine. Considering 2 chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk can cost you around 350 calories, it's easy to see how at least one workout per week can be negated by a snack. Moreover, many tend to "forget" these brief indiscretions when trying to lose weight. There are usually more of these episodes than we care to admit and a simultaneous tendency to increase our meal portions.