Children with ADHD require extra care and attention. Sharing a home with an ADHD child can cause siblings to experience feelings of frustration and inadequacy, but there are steps parents can take to ensure that each of their children feels equally loved and cared for.
我的大儿子有多动症,以及其他精神lnesses. He required attention beyond that of any of the other children in the household. Altogether, there are four additional children, two from my husband's previous marriage and two from our marriage together. Raising five children is a feat in itself. Raising a child with special needs is a feat in itself. Putting the two together creates many exhausting days. Homework time with my son could take hours to complete, even when teachers told me homework should only take between a half hour and an hour. Finding the time to help the other children that needed help was sometimes tough.
My son is now out of school and life skills issues still take time away from my youngest children. I love all of my children and their success is important to me. Even so, day after day, time is spent in trying to help my son get his life on track. His needs require my time, energy and attention. When the other children manage to complete their homework without asking for help, I accept it and don't question their self-sufficiency. When the younger children play quietly by themselves, I welcome the break. But don't they deserve the same attention as my oldest son?
- 兄弟姐妹可以在休息时代变得自依赖,保持自己,避免家庭活动或变得安静。这可以在犹豫犹豫不决,即使需要,也可以在需要并花费大量时间来询问帮助。有些孩子表示他们觉得有罪要求帮助,因为他们知道他们的兄弟姐妹有特殊的需求。
Siblings can start to do poorly in school or misbehave at home, mimicking the behavior of the child with ADHD. This may be because they see this as a way to get their parents' attention.
Siblings can demand attention, throw temper tantrums or consistently interrupt their parents. This may be to compensate for feeling as if they are not noticed. If children with ADHD are going through a particularly rough time, requiring additional attention, these types of behaviors in siblings may be intensified.
In many cases, the parents in my support group and I noticed siblings developing feelings of low self-worth, believing they are not as important to their parents and therefore are not worthy of love.
There are a number of strategies that parents can implement in their homes to help siblings overcome these feelings:
Find ways to involve your children in activities they are interested in. Check your local area for dance classes, music lessons, or clubs that would help to provide them with a sense of belonging and involvement.
Set limits on homework time with your ADHD child. Talk to their teacher about cutting homework down. Maybe your child can do every other question for homework. Let the teacher know how long homework is taking to complete each night and ask them for suggestions to limit the time or amount of work.
Once a month, take your child somewhere special, just the two of you. Do this for each child. It might be going out to lunch together, or just sitting in the park together. Let them know that you enjoy just being with them and remind them how important they are. This allows both of you to leave the household behind for a short time.
Monitor the time your siblings spend together. For some children with ADHD, taunting siblings becomes a game. Make sure there is not any bullying and siblings are not feeling helpless to stop it.
Keep daily routines. Letting everyone know what to expect is important and helps to build a feeling of security. This also can help decrease disruptions and maintain a sense of order in the household.
Monitor situations when you give your children chores to complete. Children with ADHD tend to become distracted and often do not complete their chores. Make sure your other children are not completing tasks for them. Reward children for their effort, not the amount of work completed.